Chapter 6: Diverse Souls

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When Yo Han extended the invitation to have dinner together, Jin-Joo's excitement was palpable, her eyes lighting up with surprise. "Oh, that sounds great! I'd love to!"

On the other hand, Yo Han's gaze shifted to Ga-On, a knowing smirk playing at the corners of his lips. He watched Ga-On's reaction closely, as if anticipating his response to the situation.

Ga-On's reluctance was evident in his expression as he hesitated before finally conceding. "Uh, yeah, sure. Dinner sounds good."

At the elegant restaurant, Yo Han lived up to his heir status by treating them to a fancy dinner. The ambiance was refined, a stark contrast to the tension that often surrounded their interactions.

Jin-Joo's curiosity got the best of her as she leaned in, her eyes wide with intrigue. "So, Yo Han, what do you do in your free time?"

Yo Han's demeanor shifted subtly, his gaze locked onto Ga-On, his eyes intense and unwavering, as if he was sharing more than just words. "I like to hunt. There's a thrill in shooting a charging beast between the eyes, in that split second when you face danger head-on."

As the evening progressed and more expensive and exotic dishes graced the table, Jin-Joo's excitement only grew. Her eyes lit up with each new delicacy, and she savored each bite with genuine pleasure.

On the other hand, Ga-On's demeanor remained unchanged. He showed no interest in the lavish spread before them, his focus seemingly fixed on Yo Han. Behind his stoic expression, there was a silent judgment that he couldn't quite suppress.

Jin-Joo's appreciation for the taste of the food was evident in her delighted exclamations. "Oh, this is amazing! The flavors are so rich and complex!"

Yo Han's response was measured, his tone carrying a touch of detachment. "I have a poor palate, I'm afraid." His gaze flickered toward Ga-On briefly before returning to his meal. "For me, food is just... And, because I can't taste food well, I find a certain satisfaction in tearing and crushing it with my 'fangs,' so to speak."

Ga-On's irritation simmered just below the surface, his patience wearing thin as Yo Han's words continued to play on the edges of his patience. Unable to hold back any longer, he interjected with a hint of exasperation. "You know, it's called teeth, not 'fangs'."

Jin-Joo glanced between the two of them, sensing the underlying tension. She tried to diffuse the situation with a nervous laugh. "Come on, guys, let's not get caught up in semantics."

Yo Han's gaze shifted back to Ga-On, a subtle challenge in his eyes. "Semantics can reveal quite a lot, don't you think?"

Jin-Joo's voice cut through the charged atmosphere, a break in the torrent of emotions that had been exchanged. Her tone was curious, seeking a new angle to the conversation. "And what about your family, Kang Yo Han? What were they like?"

Yo Han's admission cut through. "I grew up wealthy," he acknowledged, his tone carrying an air of both candor and detachment. He continued, his voice holding a trace of bitterness, "But my father was a vicious loan shark."

Ga-On's curiosity got the better of him as he posed a pointed question. "So, was your father a heartless jerk?"

A sardonic smile played at Yo Han's lips as he seemed to taunt Ga-On in response. "Well, you might know, considering your family's deep debt."

The words struck a nerve, a sudden and sharp reminder of Ga-On's own painful history. A flashback engulfed him, taking him back to a time of sorrow and loss. He saw himself as a young boy, standing by his parents' graves, tears streaming down his face.

"Oh, my bad. I shouldn't have said that," Yo Han's voice held a note of apology, the faintest trace of guilt evident in his expression.

Struggling to hold his ground, Ga-On's response was laced with a combination of anger and control. "Pretending to care while being heartless, that's the signature move of moneylenders."

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