Four (edited)

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The plane ride over to Italy was nice and relaxing. I slept through the whole flight. I guess I didn't get enough sleep the past few days with everything.

Before leaving Russia, I got my secret stash of money that I hid from Nevan a while back, in case of emergencies.

We landed in Italy, and now, we are on our way to the hotel. Liam's friend, Josh, arranged the hotel for us to stay.

Josh is a nice guy. Liam is lucky to have a friend like Josh. He is the type of friend, who would be there for you when you need him.

After a long drive, we finally made it to the hotel. We made our way towards the front desk to get our rooms.

Once I got in my room, I did a security check of the whole room and then went to take a bath.

I put on my music and grab a bath bomb from the tray. I sit in the tub and sing along to the songs.

An hour later, I changed into a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. I grab my laptop and sit on the bed, hacking for information on my family.

The Morelli family

Alessandro Morelli
Ex-don of the Italian Mafia
Killed by a rival mafia
Had an affair after his wife died

Vivian Morelli
Ex-Donna of the Italian mafia
Died in an accident with her only daughter

Emilio Morelli -26
Current Don of the Italian mafia
Took over at the age of 21 after Alessandro died.

Lorenzo Morelli -24
Became underboss at the age of 19

Roman Morelli -19
Sworn in when he turned 18.
Sometimes does missions for the mafia

Esmeray Morelli
Only daughter and mafia princess
Killed in an accident with her mother at the age of 6

My dad had an affair after we were kidnapped. Did they even bother investigating the accident? 

They didn't even think for a second, that it might have been a setup.

My mood soured with the information. All my life, I have been beating myself over the fact that my family died because of me, but in reality, it's quite the opposite.

They have been living their life without me. Without mom.

Stop thinking that! It's not their fault they saw your 'dead' body, thinking that it was you.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and focus on finding out about the woman that my dad was with after Mom.

I did some digging, and after a few hours of searching, I discovered something that made my heart break.

It turns out that Dad had a child with that woman. He had been living with his mother until she was killed, and he disappeared.

I don't think Dad knew about his son since he was killed after two months of seeing her.

Now I need to find out where my little brother is and if he is even alive. For his sake, I hope that he is in a good and safe place.

I quickly start researching their enemies cause there is a slight chance that someone found out about him, and I want to be sure it isn't.

I gather all the information I need and close my laptop. I get up and get changed into black pants and a black bodysuit. I put on my combat boots and strap on my weapons. I got out of my room and went to Liam's to borrow his car, which he let me.

(A/N: Outfit above ⬆️)

I drove to the house that was holding my poor little brother hostage. Poor kid, his mother was killed a year ago, and he has been a hostage ever since.

I know firsthand that a lot can happen in a year. And who knows what this kid had to go through in that time?

I park two blocks down so they don't know I am coming. I snuck in through the back of the house, which was very easy, considering their security was crap.

They left their back door unlocked in the middle of the night for God's sake. 

The house was worse on the inside than on the outside. The walls were cracked, there was food and empty bottles everywhere, the furniture looked like it was moldy from being too old and not to mention the suffocating smell of cigarettes.

I did a quick sweep of the house, finding nobody but my little brother. He was curled up in a room upstairs, crying.

I slowly went up to him, trying not to scare him. I crouched down in front of him to be his height. He looked a little malnourished for a 5-year-old.

"Hey," I said in a soft tone. He looked up at me and cowered back from me, scared.

"Hey, it's ok. I am not going to hurt you. I am here to get to get you out of here." He looked at me with his tear-filled eyes.

"Really?" He said with a glint of hope.

"Yeah! Really! You want to be with your family?"

"Yes, but my mom is gone." He said and cried even more.

"I know, but you know what? You have brothers and a sister."

"I do?"

"Yeah. I am your sister Esmeray. What's your name?"

"My name is Theodore."

"Hi Theo, now come on, let's get you home," I said with my hand out for him to take, which he did.

He looked exhausted and sleepy, so I picked him up walked over to the car, putting him in.

I drove back to the hotel and carried him to my room since he fell asleep in the car.

I tucked him in bed and put a pillow on both sides so he doesn't fall.

I finally got to get a good look at him in the light. He is freaking adorable. He had cute chubby cheeks, a little button nose, and small pink lips. He had light brown hair like his mom and hazel eyes like Dad and the rest of the siblings.

He looked so peaceful while sleeping. I wish that he hadn't been through anything horrible.

I am so happy that he is finally back where he belongs, and most of all, he's safe. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise.

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