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Ethan. I wouldn't say that I hate him. Hate is such a strong word. I just simply find him very annoying. He doesn't talk much and whenever I've tried to be nice (he is my older brothers roommate and friend, after all), he barely gives me a reply. One time I asked how his day was going and he just stared at me with those idiot brown eyes. And then left the room without answering me.


Anyway. Who cares? Obviously the feeling is mutual, based on the way he ignores me anytime I've tried to be nice to him. Or atleast, that's what I've always thought. Until I saw him, standing on the street in the middle of the night, staring at me with those big brown eyes. I stared at him, mouth open. The loud and constant party music could be heard behind me.

I should had stayed at home.

"Why are you here? I called Chad." I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. Ethan avoided eye contact and shrugged.

"He, uhm, asked me to pick you up because he and Tara... Well, it doesn't really matter. I told him that I could walk you home."

I scoffed at his explanation. An hour ago, I had called my brother to ask him to walk me home from a halloween party. I knew that he and his friends would be at another party and I thought it would be nice to walk with him. Besides, I hate walking alone in the middle of the night. I don't feel safe whenever I have to do that.

How kind of my brother to abandon me in order to get some action.

"Well, Ethan," I glared at him. "You can go home. I'll just walk alone." I said and started walking. It was cold outside, so I walked with a high pace. It didn't take long before Ethan was walking alongside me.

"Look, I'm already here. Chad would strangle me if something happened to you." He said, while walking alongside me. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him.

He looked a bit dumb. He was in some sort of... Cardboard box costume? And also wearing a unmatching hat? But he looked almost genuinly concerned for me. I sighed.


Dead silence during the entire walk. We could be talking to each other. But I refuse to say anything. Ethan, as usual, doesn't talk much. Atleast not to me. I've overheard him happily talk to Chad and the others. Chad has told me that "he's a shy guy", but it's hard not to take it personally.

I sneak a glance at him once in a while. Strands of his brown hair had escaped from underneath the hat. He looked either forward or at the ground.

Pure silence. If this was a movie, they would have edited in sounds of crickets.

We finally reach my apartment after what feels like an eternity.

"You can go now." I declare to him as I walk towards the front door. I could hear him mumble something behind me, I think it was a "what the hell...".

Before I could react, Ethan gets up to my front door and cages me in front of it. That move made me stop breathing for a second, but I quickly recover.

"What do you want, Ethan?" I ask, staring up at him. For once he actually meets my gaze. He looks different like this. Like he's tired of my attitude.

"Uhm, maybe a thank you?" He says quickly. I can't help but laugh in his face.

"Oh my god, thank you so much. My knight in shining armor. You're only here because Chad asked you to." I laugh again.

"I would still be following you even if he hadn't asked me to." He said quietly.

"Oh yeah? You came on your own free will? Yeah sure." My sarcasm could not had been missed. Ethan takes a moment and just stares at me.

"Why do you hate me?" He asks.

"Come on." I answered, rolling my eyes at him.

"No. Seriously, what have I done to make you hate me?"

"You know."

"No, I don't know. Use your fucking words." Hearing Ethan swear stunned me. I have never seen him like this. I look up at him, as he's waiting for my answer.

"Well..." I start. "You always ignore me!"

"Is that it?"

"It, well, yeah. Ignoring people is rude. You're rude." I explain.

"Huh? Is that all?" I can see something of a grin appear on his lips. I roll my eyes and look away, but he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. Ethan leaned in closer. My thoughts were screaming inside of my head, while my heart stopped beating for a moment. Is he gonna kiss me? Why is he so close? And why was I allowing it to happen?

Then he turns and goes straight to my ear.

"I'm trying to stay away from you." He whispered. Before I've had a chance to process what had happened, Ethan leaned back and stepped away from me. The air felt cold again.

And without another word, he walked away. Leaving me at the front door with a feeling I couldn't really explain.


It's been a while and I'm not sure if I like this, but thanks for reading!

Ethan Landry : Oneshots - Scream 6Where stories live. Discover now