Scary movie

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I was happy that Ethan accepted my invitation to watch a movie. All of the shit that had happend the last 24-hours was stressing me out. It was stressing everyone out. Even Ethan, even though he didn't really show it. Earlier he had been joked about how he would die a virgin. Bad jokes in horrible times sure lightens the mood.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked while scrolling through the netflix selection. He shrugged and returned the question back.

"Maybe a scary movie?" I said jokingly, hovering over stab 3.

"I honestly don't really like horror movies." He said, almost a bit ashamed.

I looked at him with disbelief.

"You don't? So you've never seen the Stab movies?"

"Uhm, those movies were more my brothers thing." He said. Then he suddenly tensed up. Almost as if he realised that he shouldn't have said that.

"I didn't know you had a brother. Does he go here too?" I said, refering to the university. I took a cheeto and ate it, while waiting for his answer. I was a bit surprised to hear him talk about himself. He was quite a private person. I honestly don't really know much about him at all.

"Oh, uhm, no. No I don't. I mean, yeah I did have one. A older brother but he, uhm. He died." Ethan said, not even looking at me. I suddenly felt stupid for asking.

"I'm so sorry to hear that." I said gently and placed a comforting hand on his. "Were you close?"

"No, not really. He was daddys favorite, you know? And while that obviously hurt, I still loved him. Even though we didn't agree on a lot of things. Like taste in movies." I could feel him easing up in my presence.

"Once again, I'm so sorry about your loss. What happened to him?" I ask, not really knowing the right thing to say in these kind of situations.

"Don't worry. I'm doing what he would have wanted me to do. Go to university and meet you people." Ethan said, with a light smile. "Can you please don't tell the others about my brother? It's just a hard topic for me. I don't really want to talk about him."

I nodded.

"Of course, I won't tell a soul. I'm happy that you wanted to share it with me." More correctly, I was happy that he felt comfortable enough with me to talk about it.

We picked a fantasy movie instead, but it didn't take long before my eyelids felt really heavy. I couldn't help but to slowly lean on his shoulder. I could feel him tense up. Obviously unfamiliar with these kind of situations. But to my surprise, Ethan raised a hand and ran his fingers through my long hair. He breathed steadily and his body warmth felt like a comforting space.

"I really like your hair." He whispered, as to not disturb me. I wanted to answer, but the last day had drained me of all energy. I remember falling asleep on Ethans shoulder, feeling so safe.

Ethan Landry : Oneshots - Scream 6Where stories live. Discover now