"You won't miss me"

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"Where are we going?" I asked the brown haired boy. Ethan Landry stepped in front of me, watching me. I usually love the way he looks at me, like I'm way more interesting than I actually am. But this time, when I met his gaze, my mouth went dry.

He's concentrated on me, looking more serious than he usually does. The serious look on his face made me feel uncomfortable and nervous.

"I want to show you something." His fingers reached down and wrapped around mine as he began to pull me behind him.

My heart was beating fast. Ethan has been my boyfriend for a while now, I remember how he didn't even dare to look at me the first time we met. But with time, we had grown close and one night, many nights ago... I kissed him. I felt as nervous then as I do now. Because he's usually not this... Serious, about stuff.

It was late, the people on the street were few and far inbetween, which was rare for the busy New York. That's why I prefered to be awake at night. Less people are awake. We continued walking until we reached an old theater. I've probably walked past it multiple times without thinking of it as something of value. But Ethan looked at the outside with excitement in his eyes.

"Ethan, why are we here?" I asked him. He turns and faces me, still holding on to my hand. He grins and without answering, walks me through so that we are inside the building.

As we're walking through the dark place, I can't help but smile. It feels like we're in high school, sneaking away and hiding from our parents.

"You're gonna love this." He whispered, smiling down at me while he stared at my mouth.

After a few more steps, he lets go of my hand and I, alone, stand in the dark. I can't help but feel nervous. Is this some kind of gift? A surprise date?

Ethan turned on the lights. It took a few second for my eyes to adjust. When they finally did and I saw where I was, I immediately stopped smiling.

"Isn't this awesome?" Ethan asked and grinned widely. This was a new side of Ethan that I hadn't seen before.

We were inside some kind of... Shrine? One for Ghostface? There were so many stuff in here. I saw Gale Weathers books, I saw clothes in different size and forms, many stained with old blood. I saw production material from the old 'Stab' movies and further in I also saw an old TV.

What shocked me the most was the multiple Ghostface costumes.

"What the he-" I began, but Ethan quickly walked up to me and put a finger to my lips.

"Shhh..." He whispered, staring directly into my eyes. "I know that it's a lot to take in, but I needed to show you."

I freeze. What is even happening right now? Right now, the only thing i could focus on was his finger, as it softly slides down my mouth and chin. His brown eyes followed the tip of his finger as it kept moving, trailing gently down my throat, like he was admiring every inch.

That one finger feelt like as if it was touching me with the sensation of a thousand hands. I suddenly had a hard time breathing, because of the effect he had on me.

I force myself to take a step back. Away from Ethan.

"What is this?" I asked, looking around again. The feeling of uncomfort was back.

"Y/n..." He said my name so quietly. "You already know what this is. You're a smart girl."

I shook my head, not wanting to believe what I already was thinking. The masked killer that had been chasing our friends, was that killer Ethan?

"Ethan, are you Ghostface?" I asked with a shaky voice. He smiled at me and walked up to me. I didn't move. Part of me didn't want to move, the other part didn't dare to.

Both of his hands gripped my hips and pulled me forward, securing me against him. Ethan was usually not this forward. Where was the shy dork you had come to love?

"I've been wanting to tell you for so long. I know that you can't love this side of me and that you'll leave me the second we leave this theater." He said. His right hand left my hip and he brought it up to the side of my head and, as softly as possible, touched my hair.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You've seen the 'Stab' movies, babe. The killers never survive in the end." The way he said it, like it was a stated fact. "Me, showing you this, will scare you off before you can get hurt."

I opened my mouth and closed it again, only to open it to burst out:

"What is this, some kind of suicide mission? If you wanted me to leave you, why did you even waste your time with a relationship with me?"

He began to shake his head in slow disagreement.

"I wanted to stay away, because I know how this is going to end. If I'd had more self control, you wouldn't be with me right now."

I latch on to his words and try to figure out the meaning behind it, but the second his lips touched mine, I'm no longer interested in the words that left his mouth.

His kiss is slow and calm, the complete opposite to my heart right now. His right hand moved to the back of my head. I'm summoning every last bit of willpower to not wrap my arms and legs around him.

Then, he stopped kissing me. A feeling of emptiness washed over me. He held onto my face with both his hands as he looked at me in silence for a few seconds. His brows furrowed and his eyes closed as he pressed his forehead against mine.

"I... I really like you, Y/n."

"Then don't do this. Don't be Ghostface anymore."

"I have to. I'm sorry, but you won't miss me."

With those words, I knew that there were nothing else I could do. So I simply stepped back, turned around and walked away as my heart broke with every step.


I just wanted to thank you guys for 100k reads! That's amazing, thanks and I'm happy that so many of you like my little stories.

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