Knife pt. 2

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This is part two of my oneshot "Knife", so might want to read that one before this, if you want to. I won't force you.

I heard Ethans laugh behind us. It felt like he wanted to give us a head start before he'd chase after us. When I used to wish for Ethan to chase after me, this was not what I meant.

Tara dragged me alongside her, I couldn't help but to feel like I was in some sort of dream. Some sort of nightmare. I could hear Ethans footsteps behind us, closing in. My best friend, chasing after us with a knife? What kind of sick reality is this?

"I've actually always had a thing for you." His words were echoing inside of my head. Does he want to play with my heart before he kills me? What kind of sick, twisted game is he playing?

Tara let go of my hand and I took the opportunity to look behind me. But Ethan was nowhere to be seen. I froze in my steps, but Tara didn't notice and ran behind a corner. I should probably follow her. But my feet were stuck, as if they were stuck in the ground. Without her guidance, I couldn't move a muscle.

I was breathing heavily, looking frantically around. I hate this place. Hate, hate, hate. I hate Ghostface. I hate... Ethan.

I took a deep breath. No. If I'm gonna die tonight, I'm not gonna die while lying to myself. I don't hate Ethan. Never had. Not even now, not even afrer knowing. How can I not hate him?

I need to find Tara. I need to-

"Hi." Ethans familar voice made me turn around. He wasn't running anymore, but walking slowly towards me with that unrecognizable grin. Ethan doesn't grin like that. Usually he smiles. Like whenever we were talking about class, or whenever we were talking about movies and so on.

The way he looked at me, the way his brown eyes traveled acrossed my body, it made me nervous. He was looking at me with this intensity, one I've never seen in his gaze before.

"I'm sorry for scaring you." He said, his hands behind his back. Probably hiding a knife. He took another step closer. I was trying to move, but it was as if he had me hypnotized. I couldn't take a single step.

"You don't seem sorry, Ethan." I said, shaking my head slowly.

"Honestly?" He said, leaning forwards. "No, I'm not really sorry. My brother is dead, because of Tara and Sam. They deserve this. This is justice."

Then he took another step closer and dropped his arms, revealing a knife in one of his hands.

"That doesn't mean that you deserve this." He continued, losing the grin as he spoke. "I meant what I said before. I don't want you to die because you actually made me want to live again."

I blinked.

"What?" I said, feeling empty inside. A day ago, I would have loved to hear this from him. But now? Now, I should hate him. But I can't hate Ethan, my Ethan. I hate the fact that I doesn't hate him.

He smiled, it was one of those smiles that only Ethan could do. The one that always gave me butterflies. My body betrayed me and I could once again feel the butterflies as he smiled at me.

"I never had the courage to tell you that before, but right now I have the power." He said, pointing the knife towards himself. "I can decide what happens and babe, I do love that feeling. Is it alright if I call you 'babe'? I've always wanted to call you that, but I don't know if you actually like those kinds of names. It sounds a bit cliché, honestly."

"You talk a lot." I said quietly. Suddenly he walked straight towards me. I looked up at him, as he was a bit taller than me.

"You used to like it when I talked." He said, almost like my words had hurt him.

"I also liked you better when you weren't killing people!" I exclaimed.

"You... Are you saying that you liked me too?" His genuine smile, yes it was cute, but he was avoiding the subject. Ethan then continued saying something that just took my breath away.

"I'm sorry, but can I- Can I kiss you? You can say no, of course. I won't kill you. But, uhm, I would love to kiss you, if that's okay with you?" He asked softly.

I just stared at him. This boy is completely nuts. I glanced at the knife in his hands.

"Yes." I surprised myself with my answer. Ethan was visibly surprised too, as he raised his eyebrows.

"Really?" He exclaimed.

"Fuck it, I doubt that you won't kill me so why not?" I threw my hands up in frustration. Ethan looked at me, puzzled.

"But, I don't want to kiss you unless you want me to kiss you. You kissing me, because you're afraid of me killing you, isn't really what I want." He explained slowly, like I was some kind of toddler and he was trying to explain basic things.

I blinked. What the hell. I'm tired of these games. He is probably gonna kill me in a minute or two. But atleast I'll get to know how it feel to kiss him.

While Ethan was contemplating, I moved my feet and walked up to him. Making him froze in his tracks. I reach up a hand and did what I've been wanting to do since I first met him, I caressed his cheek, then I kissed him. I know that he still has that knife in his hand. I know that I'm basically kissing death. But I would have never thought that death was this warm. His mouth was warm and his tounge was even warmer.

This caught him off guard, allowing me to take the knife out of his hand. He quickly recovered and moved his hands to the sides of my head, holding me still. The kiss made my head spin. His mouth was everywhere, all at once. It was everything I had ever fantasized about.

Ethan pulled away to catch his breath. "You're so beautiful." He said. I want to believe that he was speaking the truth, but since he had obviously lied to me before, the trust was not really there.

With one swift motion, I stabbed him in his stomach. I have never stabbed someone before. I used to believe that I wasn't capable of it.

Ethan screamed and took a step back from me. I turned around and ran as quickly as I could from there, my heart beating like crazy. Both from running, but mostly from the kiss. The kiss had distracted him long enough for me to grab his knife. Stabbing him, would ensure that he couldn't chase me down.

I do like you Ethan, but I like living more.

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