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I love my boyfriend. Really, I do. I love him. Even when I know that he's lying.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, the tap running cold water underneath, filling up the sink. One word to describe what I saw in the mirror. Blue. The bruises were still hurting, but it was nothing to how I felt inside. A storm of emotions were raging inside of me. Shame, hurt, pain. To name some.

I love my boyfriend. He loves me. He just get's mad sometimes. He has a temper. He cares to much. He said he was sorry.

I know that he's lying when he says that he'll never hit me again. That he feels horrible and that he didn't mean to get mad, but that I drive him crazy. It's not his fault that he get jealous.

I cupped my hands underneath the tap, filling my hands with cold water before splashing it on my face. The coldness helps soothe the pain.

So what did I do wrong this time? I'd asked if I could join my friends at a halloween party. A request I thought was innocent enough. But my boyfriend sneered at me, asking why.

"Why would you want to go to a party where drunk guys can flirt with you? I bet you just want to find a easy cheat." Is what he had said before starting to yell at me. I had then done the mistake of talking back to him. A disrespect that he would not let pass.

And then I had another blackeye.

I know that my boyfriend is insecure. Especially when it comes to my best friend Ethan. My boyfriend think that Ethan has a crush on me, or well. Not exactly the way he had put it. "I can see that he wants to fuck you. I know how guys work, trust me."

Using a soft towel, I wiped my face dry. The bruise had started to settle. I turned around and started to apply makeup. After a while, I had learned how to cover up a bruise. Foundation, a lot of it, concealer. A bit of rouge. I started braiding my hair too, thinking.

My phone lit up. A snapchat from Tara. I picked up the phone and opened the video file she had sent. Chad, dressed as a cowboy, was competing with Ethan, dressed as a cardboard box, thingy. They were drinking from red cups, competing to see who could empty their beverage first. Chad won, and threw his hands up, letting out a manly scream. Ethan gave up, and started coughing like crazy. Loud party music could be heard in the background. Tara turned the camera around to her face.

"Y/n, miss you here! Love you." She said, smiling wide. Probably drunk too. I smiled, feeling warm inside.

I have good friends. But my boyfriend doesn't like them. Especially not Ethan. My boyfriend think that my friends want to come inbetween us.

I finished up on my makeup and spectated myself in the mirror. It wasn't perfect makeup, but it would do. Exiting the bathroom, I found my boyfriend sleeping on the couch. Snooring loudly. I glared at him. Usually I would have never dared to go against my boyfriends word. But I'm tired of him controlling me.

I had to be quick. Rummaging through my closet so I could find a halloween costume that I had wore a year before. I threw it on, and did a little twirl infront of the mirror. Feeling confident. I also sneaked into our common kitchen and stole a bottle of vodka.

Twenty minutes later, I had arrived at the party. It didn't take long before I found the others, in the sea of young people having fun.

In the midst of the high music, alcohol and free people... I felt so alive. More than I had done with my boyfriend for the last months.

After drinking with Tara and Mindy, I was a bit tipsy. Not drunk, but definitely not as stable as before. I saw Ethan, leaning against the wall, obviously uncomfortable amongst these many people, and ran up to him. Smiling wide, I gave him a hug that made the brunette stumble back.

"Ethan!" I said, smiling. The alcohol in my blood helped me relax. Which was something I desperately needed.

"Y/n- uhm, hi, fun that you're here! You look great." Ethan said. Then quickly followed it up with: "You look great, I say as a friend. As your friend. You're a great looking friend. But I bet that you've already heard that tonight-" He talked so quickly, the nervousness in his voice could not be misheard. I laugh at his attempt to talk.

"You look good too. Did you do your own costume?" I say, refering to his cardboard box costume. He scratched his neck.

"Uhm, yeah. It was a last minute thing. Do you, uhm, like it?"

"I do! It's creative."

"Oh, uhm, thanks? I mean yeah thanks!" He laughed nervously, and then looked around behind me. "So where is your douchebag of a boyfriend?"

I laughed at his joke.

"Uhm, yeah he's home. He didn't really want me to be here. But he doesn't control me." I say. But I'm not sure if I'm trying to convince Ethan, or myself. I shake my head.



"I don't want to think about him right now. Do you want to dance? I want to dance!" I say, while raising my arms to thr ceiling.

"I can't dance." He said, smiling at me as he watched me move.

"I know but still! Come on, pretty boy." I say, while locking hands with him. I saw in the corner of my eye how Ethan suddenly turned red, underneath that cardboard box helmet.

And like that, I was happy. Moving my body, dancing, having fun with my best friend. He was being truthful when he said that he couldn't dance. He did a horrible robot dance, and also tried to dance salsa with me. Which obviously failed. Laughing, I felt free. So free.

But of course, nothing can last forever.

After a while, the both of us were exhausted. I reached up to Ethan, and told him that I wanted to get a drink. He nodded, and while holding hands, we walked through the dancing bodies. Ethan has big, warm hands. I've never thought about it before, but it's like they fit perfectly with mine, somewhat smaller hands.

The music was more muffled in the kitchen. There were no people here, to my surprise. There were empty cups all over the kitchen counter, and also a bowl of popcorn. I took a cup and dilled it with water, before turning against ethan while leaning against the kitchen counter.

He was smiling, looking so happy I couldn't help but feel happy with him. But then his eyes travelled to my eye. And his smile weakened. Ethan took of his cardboard box helmet, and dropped it to the floor. He walked closer to me, which is also when I saw that some of his strands of hair was wet with sweat.

Seeing how he had gotten sweaty after dancing, I realised something. I, too, had worked up a sweat after dancing to the music.

"Y/n," Ethan began carefully. "What happened to your eye?"


I don't have a lot of money, so I don't really buy high quality makeup. My makeup that was covering my blackeye must have disappeared because I was sweating too much.

Double fuck.

I quickly covered up my eye.

"Oh, uhm, nothing! I must have tripped or..." I rambled, panicking. Ethan took another step closer, slowly he placed his hand on mine. He carefully, but firmly, removed my hand so that he could look at me.

Ethan has really nice brown eyes. I've always told him that whatever girl he ends up with is gonna be so lucky because they get to look into those eyes forever. But now, they turned dark. Dark and cold. I could barely breathe.

"Who did this to you?" His question made my heart beat like crazy. I could hear my pulse in my ear.

"Ethan, move." I said. Turning my face away.

He looked furious. The way his eyes had gone dark, made a chill run down my back. A single, grunting word came out of him. "Who?"

I breathed in, feeling my whole world crash down.

"My boyfriend, but he didn't mean it and he said he was sorry and-" Ethan raised his head and walked out of the kitchen as I was talking.

I covered my face with my hands, as shame rushed over me. Why do I always ruin things? I hope that Ethan doesn't take it up with my boyfriend, it would just make everything worse.

Ethan Landry : Oneshots - Scream 6Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang