Unknown caller ID

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First of all, thank you all for reading my story! It makes me so happy to see that people actually read what I write. And as you guys may have noticed, english isn't my first language. So if you notice a grammar mistake or something, feel free to point it out so I can look at it. So once again, thanks and also thanks to the people voting and so on. I appreciate it!

And now, back to the stories.


It was cold and dark outside of my windows. I was happy to be inside. My day had been spent cleaning my small apartment and also filling up on snacks, popcorn and soda.

Being one of the newer members in the group, I wanted to try and get to know everyone a little better. Therefore, I had invited Tara, Sam, Chad, Mindy, Anika, Quinn and also Ethan to movie night at my place. I thought they were so cool, I wanted to be one of them. That's why I had been overjoyed when Mindy started talking to me at english, a class we have together.

Considering halloween is in a few days, maybe they'll want to watch a scary movie? I facepalmed myself immediately. Many of these people has survived horrible attacks, of course they won't want to watch a horror movie. Stupid.

I looked at myself in the mirror in the hall. I know that the most important thing in making more friends is 'Being yourself!', and all that inspirational bullshit. But still, I couldn't help adjusting my t-shirt.

I've never been good at making friends. Being an introvert and also socially awkward was not a good combination. But hey, that Ethan guy seemed like an introvert too. If he can fit in, so can I, right?

Suddenly my phone called, startling me. I picked up the phone out of my jeans pocket and looked at the lit up screen.

Unknown caller ID? Weird, maybe it's Mindy? I answered and put the phone up to my ear, still looking at myself in the mirror.

"Hello, who's this?" I asked, but received no answer. After a second or two, I did notice something. The slow breathing on the other end. Someone was breathing into the phone, not saying a word, but someone was definitely there.

"Who is this?" I asked again, starting to feel uncomfortable. After not receiving an instant response, I hung up the phone. The unknown caller instantly called me again. Should I just ignore it? Maybe it was the group just making a prank on me, to see how I would react?

I decided to answer.

"Hello?" I said, hesitantly.

"Hello, Y/N." A creepy voice answered. It honestly reminded me of the Stab movies. The Ghostface voice. "What's your favorite scary movie?" The Ghostface voice asked, still breathing heavily.

The realisation made me instantly relax. Of course, it's the group just pranking me! I've heard about the horrible Ghostface attacks they survived last year. They probably want to see if I can fit into the group.

I laughed into the phone.

"Mindy? Or Chad, maybe? You guys are really funny. Are you on your way? I've prepared popcorn." I said, walking into the kitchen. The wooden floor creaked when I stepped on it.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Y/n?" Asked the voice.

"You know I don't, Mindy." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You still didn't answer my previous question. What's your favorite scary movie?"

"Twilight. Sparkling vampires scare me." I said, smiling to myself. "You guys can stop with the voice changer, by the way, I know it's you Mindy."

"I'm not Mindy." The creepy voice said, a little too excited. That made my smile drop. I don't think the group would drag out this prank like this. Maybe...

I hung up again. An uneasy feeling started growing inside of me. My gut feeling was telling me to go and lock the front door. I had left it unlocked since I was expecting visitors. I quickly walked up to it and locked it. Mindy and the others will have to knock, and I'll let them in.

The phone rang again. I could feel my pulse rise. I declined the call. Then it called again. Fucking hell.

"Who the fuck are you? I'm not alone, I have friends here and I will call the police on you. It's real immature to scare people like this." I yelled into the phone, lying about not being alone. The others weren't suppose to be here until eight. An hour away.

"You're lying." Ghostface uttered, and chuckled. "You're all alone right now. Almost, atleast."

My heart was beating like crazy.

"Almost?" I repeated, when I heard the floor creak behind me. I slowly turned around. A tall silhouette. Ghostface stood there, so close that I could have reached out and touched him. I screamed, throwing my phone in his face. While the phone hit him right in his mask, I shoved my way past him and ran. He was quick to follow. I heard his running footsteps right behind me.

I could either run into the kitchen, or I could try and lock myself in my bathroom. I didn't have any time to think, so bathroom it was. I threw myself into the bathroom, and tried to close the door behind me. But he was too quick. He forced a disguised arm through the door, waving a blade in the air. I screamed.

I'm so happy I have some weight on me. I pushed my whole body, using all of my weight, against the bathroom door and eventually Ghostface pulled back his arm. I slammed the door and locked it immediately.

I was breathing heavily and also on the brink of crying. My hands were shaking and I didn't know what to do now. No sounds could be heard from the other side of the bathroom door. Maybe he left? I looked around, a toilet, a sink, a shower. Then I looked up. A window. It wasn't big, but maybe I can squeeze my way through, run to my neighbors and get help? After all, I lived in new york. There are people everywhere, someone has to help me.

I climbed up on the toiled, opened the window and began squeezing my way through. I hate this. I hated every part of this. I also should exercise more, as this was not easy. After a lot of work, I managed to jump through and landed on the hard ground below. My landing was a bit clumpsy, and my ankle had to pay for it.

A voice, calling my name, almost gave me a heart attack. I looked up, and saw Ethan running towards me. Thank god, I felt the relief wash over me. He had a concerned look on his face.

"Holy shit, are you okay? What happened?" His concerned voice filled me up with a sense of calm.

"I'm so happy you're here" I said, on the brink of tears. "Someone came into my house, someone dressed as Ghostface?" I explained, barely believing what had just happened. Ethan stared at me, his mouth opened.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked, while looking me up and down. I shook my head. It was impossible to hold back the tears, and I sniveled before starting to cry.

Ethan looked at me, panic on his face. His face told me that he didn't know how to handle the situation. Slowly he put his arms around me. Lightly, very lightly, so I could have easily shrugged him off, if I had wanted to. Instead I leaned into his chest, into his warmth. That made him tighten the hug, and also rest his head on top of my head. Hearing his heartbeat was soothing and so was him running his hands up and down my back.

I don't know Ethan all that well. But now, he felt like safety.

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