Therapist pt.2

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This is connected to "Therapist". Might wanna read that one first.


Ethan's pov

"My name is Ethan, Ethan Landry." I replied, breathing out. I took a moment to look at her.

"I thought I was late to my appointment with my therapist so I ran over here, amd then discover that I was wrong about the time." Y/n said, smiling and shaking her head to herself. "And now I'm here an hour in advance. But atleast I'm not late."

I smiled, a actual, genuine smile. It felt wrong. It's been so long since I've actually meant a smile that I've given. Since becoming Chads roommate, I've been smiling at a lot. At his stupid jokes, at the others. I've mastered the art of faking kindness in order to get close.

"I mean, it happens." I said, shrugging my shoulders and looking away. I looked back at her. A plan forming in my head. "I'm supposed to have my appointment in, like, few minutes. You can take my time? If you want to? We can switch and I'll have mine appointment when you were supposed to have yours." I quickly suggested, smiling. Once again genuine.

Y/n's twisted her head against me.

"That's really nice of you, but I can't force you to wait just because I'm here early."

"You're not forcing me since I offered, though." I kept going, hoping that she would accept my offer.

Y/n looked like she was thinking about it. I believe that she was the kind of girl that didn't want to bother people.

Don't worry, you wouldn't ever bother me, I thought to myself as I kept looking at her features. She sighed and locked eyes with me again.

"Are you sure you're okay with switching?"

"As sure as death." I said happily, while internally wanting to punch myself. I'm an idiot. Why did I bring up death? Dumb, dumb, dumb.

"Thank you, Ethan. That's so kind of you, I owe you one." She said, breathing out. And just like clockwork, the door to the therapists office opened and a old man stepped out.

"Landry?" He said, looking at me through his glasses.

"Y/n and I have decided to switch appointments, is that okay?" I spoke up, looking at our common therapist. If he said no...

Thankfully, he didn't. And I watched as Y/n disappeared behind those wooden doors.

I went back to leaning my head against the wall behind. Y/n. I've known her for like five minutes but the only thing I want now is to get to know her better.

I need to set up so that we can meet naturally again.

After another hour of waiting, the door once again opened. Y/n looked tired, not as happy as she had done just an hour before. I looked at her as she walked past, the air picking up her scent.

I want to know about her problems. Maybe I can help. Or atleast help her to not feel so alone with them.

"Landry, I'm just gonna go to the toilet before we can start our session." The old man said, smiling gently at me. I nodded, and watched his back as he left his office and vanished down the hallway.

I counted the seconds, before flying up from my chair. I rushed into his office, ignoring everything and went straight for the computer on his desk. My back was facing the door.

Password is needed to access the computer. Of course. I looked around, noticing a picture frame on his desk. His black cat, Bella, I believe her name to be.

I tried writing "Bella", as the password. Incorrect. I tried it again, but added a 1. "Bella1" was the correct password and I now had access. I chuckled quietly, people are so easy to read.

It didn't take me long to find the file about her. Y/n. I didn't even bother to try and read. I instead made a copy of the files and sent it to my phone. As the copy was being sent, I started to read about her.

Damn. She hasn't had it easy. I loved being able to read about her deepest thoughts, but it was tough to read about her life. She, according to the therapists notes, had always been to hard on herself.

Don't worry, Y/n. I'll help you. I can understand you. I scrolled and saw her home adress and work place. Perfect!

Then I heard it. The sound of the bathroom door opening. I started counting the seconds, as I logged out of his computer and quietly walked back and sat down.

I will get to know you, Y/n.

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