Part- 67

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Helloo lovely people's!!!
First of all thank you so much for your all the love & support!!
This story hits 102k+ reads only because of you all❤️
When I started this story, I didn't think it would get so much love...
Once again thank you so much guys🫶
Keep showering your love to upcoming chapters!!
Happy Reading ❤️



I was standing in front of a mirror and watching myself in mirror. I didn't notice when Karan entered inside the room because I was too engrossed in staring my fingure.

Karan: You are looking fat Laddoo.

Tejasswi: You also think that?

I said with a worried face and he nodded in agreement.

Tejasswi: I'm becoming so fat each passing day.

I said while caressing my belly and I turned and looked at my backside. My hips became curvy and even my breasts had enlarged.

Tejasswi: I've become ugly, Sunny.

I started crying and he turned me to face him.

Karan: Aree Laddoo, stop,stop,stop. Don't cry sweety. I was just kidding.

Tejasswi: But I've become fatty. Look at my chubby cheeks and double chin. I'm looking so ugly.

I sobbed again but he placed his index finger under my chin and made me look into his eyes. He tilted my face side by side like he was examining it and then he cupped my face in both of his palms. He kissed my forehead and looked into my eyes once again.

Karan: I love this Laddoo more. Look at these soft and round cheeks, they looks so cute that I couldn't resist myself pinching them again and again. And this chin of yours, I want to kiss that, like this.

He placed a soft kiss on my chin and then placed open mouth kisses on it.

Karan: I love you so much sweetheart and no matter if you are fat or skinny, there will be no one who would be able to catch my attention as like you. You stole my heart and I don't have any plan to get it back. My heart is yours, my soul and even I am yours so don't feel bad for anything, okay?

I smiled and he smiled back to me.

Tejasswi: But I am looking fat, see.

I pointed towards my belly and he knelt down in front of me and kissed my belly.

Karan: Because you are carrying a baby inside your belly, sweety and it's how pregnancy works. The more baby will grow inside your belly, the more fat you will become but it's just a matter of nine months and then you can get back into shape just like before with the help of a good diet.

Tejasswi: Really?

Karan: Yes Laddoo, If you want me to help you out with that, I can arrange a fitness trainer for you.

Tejasswi: Okay, thank you Sunny.

Karan: Okay, I will arrange the best fitness trainer for you but from now on, you will be happy and that too without being sad about your figure, okay?

Tejasswi: Okay.

Karan: Good. Let's go, everyone is waiting for us.

Tejasswi: Let's go.

He took my hand and we both went towards the dining table. He served breakfast in two plates and gave me one and poured some orange juice for me.

After eating breakfast he helped me to stand up. My belly has grown a lot that it's kind of became difficult for me to stand or sit without any help.

Karan: Mumma, we will be back after the check up.

Karan's Mom: It's okay Sunny, take your time and make sure that she get her favorite ice cream.

Karan: Yes Mom, don't worry.

I giggled and thanked Mom. She always treats me just like her own daughter. We went towards the car and Karan drove us towards the hospital.

We didn't care about gender of child so we asked doctor to not reveal the gender of our child and she told us that the baby is healthy and growing well. She gave me due date today and I was so nervous and scared when she mentioned about the delivery. I started panicking but Karan placed his hand over mine.

Karan: Doctor, can you tell me if the delivery will be normal or we should go for a C-section?

Doctor: Karan, as much as I have observed, the delivery will be completely normal but it all depends on Tejasswi. If she will be strong enough to bear a little bit more pain then she won't need the C-section.

Tejasswi: Doctor, I will try to bear the pain. I will not lose my hope.

Doctor: Good, I like your spirit, Tejasswi. You are such a strong lady and I am more than sure that your baby will be as much strong as you are.

Tejasswi: Thank you Doctor.

Karan: Okay Doctor, now we'll take our leave. Thank you so much.

Doctor: Okay. Take Care both of you.

We both exited the hospital and then he drove us towards my favorite ice cream parlour. We ate ice cream and then came back to the house.

After almost half an hour, Mom called both of us for dinner Dad asked about mu checkups and Karan told him that everything is perfect and there's nothing to worry about.

After the dinner, Karan and I came inside our bedroom. He made me lay down on the bed and started reading the second last chapter of my favorite book. I was so excited for the climax of the novel but today I was a little bit lost since when I came back from the hospital.

Karan was reading the story but my mind was focused on the fact that only one month left for my delivery date and I was so scared.

Karan: What's the matter, baby? Why do you look so worried?

Tejasswi: Sunny, I'm just scared about the delivery.

Karan: Don't panick baby, we had talked with the Doctor, right?

Tejasswi: Yeah.

Karan: Everything will be alright. Don't worry. Just don't think about anything.

Tejasswi: Okay.

Karan closed the book and put that on the nightstand. He snuggled with me and started caressing my back and his fingers moved into my hairs and my all worries vanished in just few seconds. His touch makes me calm and composed. Soon my eyelids started getting heavy and I fell asleep while hugging him.

Here is the next chapter!!!
Sorry If you are bored while reading this chapter but I had to write a little about the pregnancy phase, that is why I have written this part... I hope you all like itt!!!
Please let me know in comments section!!!

And Yeahhh There will be a new entry in the next chapter... guess who is that???

~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

Marriage: Nightmare To Fairytale ✨❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora