Part- 28

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Hellooo Lovely People's!!!
Good morning have a great day!!!
Shower some love to this chapter!!
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Happy Reading ❤️


I was sitting on my bed while waiting for Karan. After few minutes later, he came and walked towards me.

Karan: What's wrong Teju? You seemed tensed on the call and even now you are looking stressed out.

Tejasswi: No, I'm fine. It's just that..uhmm.. I'm feeling strange because I am going to my house for the first time after our marriage.

Karan: It's okay, everything will be fine.

He said and caressed my back a little and I felt better. He walked out with me while wrapping his arm around my waist and we settled in his car.

Karan started driving the car and the ride was completely silent. We were just passing smiles to each other but no one uttered a single word.

After one hour, we reached there. I was standing in front of the house with Karan holding my hand in his and one free hand was wrapped around my waist.

Was he really taking care of me or it just a show to put on, in front of my parents? But for now, it wasn't the first thing in my mind. I was nervous about my mother...I mean my stepmother.

I was breathing heavily and Karan placed his one hand on my shoulder to assure me and held my hand with other hand. After taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to come out.

After few seconds later, the door opened and my father welcomed us warm heartedly. I finally blew out some air, which I was holding since so long. He hugged me and shook hand with Karan and then hugged him and patted on his back.

As soon as we entered inside the house, my stepmother came running to me and hugged me tightly.

Okay, I knew very well that it was just a show but I wasn't expecting a hug from her.

She broke the hug and kissed on my cheeks and that was the surprise again. She welcomed me and Karan inside and we both took out seats on the couch.

Priya: Teju Baccha, it's been so long. You don't have any idea about how much I missed you.

Wow, I mean she was talking to me and that too in a nice way. I was getting filled with surprises again and again. She said she missed me and I knew what she missed the most.

She missed beating me and shouting on me for no good reason.

We talked a little and then sat near the table for dinner. My stepmother didn't let me help instead she did all the work from making food to serving each of us. That's strange.

We were silenty eating, only my stepmother was blabbering nonsense things to try to form some kind of conversation but it looked like no one was interested in listening to her because everyone was busy in digging the food.

All of a sudden, Karan got a call and he excused himself and walked out to answer the call. When he closed the door behind him, my stepmother stood from her chair and took fistfull of my hairs in her hand and forcefully pulled me out from my chair.

Tejasswi: Mom, please...ahhh... leave me. It's hurting..

Priya: I'm not your mom you bitch.

And she slapped me on my left cheek and my hand immediately went to my cheek to stop the sharp pain. She slapped me so hard that I was sure that her hand would be imprinted on my cheek.

Marriage: Nightmare To Fairytale ✨❤️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin