After almost three hours we all decide to take a break and go get some food weirdly all the basses never run out of food and it's always really good.

All of us exit the room with me pretty much in the middle of everyone but to the side a little bit, I can only see someone when they are walking past us, so that's what I'm doing, there isn't a lot of people walking past since we are all together and I'm sure everyone is busy doing other things.

All of a sudden as I'm looking at a guy passing by I get a flashback of a memory, from back when I was being held captive.

There was this guy that would pass my cell every day and he would always look in looking directly at me with a smirk on his face, like he knew something I didn't. I always thought he would only look at me because he could only see me.

Sometimes he would even walk past twice and it was always the same smirk he had, every single time.

Coming back to the present I'm suddenly sitting on the floor with someone holding me up and everyone is surrounding me. All of them have various looks of concern showing.

"Violet, are you okay? What's wrong" someone calls out but I don't bother trying to find out who it was

Instead, I push the person who is holding me up off and stand, forcing everyone to back up a bit, seeing as I still can't see anything past them I push them to the side trying to see around everyone. Normally them being really tall is a good thing but right now I almost want to force them to sit down.

Finally being able to see my surroundings I immediately start looking for the guy that was just here, only he isn't anywhere to be seen. Looking around frantically I start moving to the other side of everyone, not having to push my way this time because everyone parts the way.

Seeing he's still not there I go to take a step forward when I feel a hand on my shoulder, turning to look I see Ares standing right in front of me with a concerned frown.

"What did you see, what are you looking for" he asks gently almost trying to not startle me

"the guy we were passing, he was there, he would walk past every single day and he would look at me with a smirk, he was there" I repeat trying my best to make him believe me

"who was where?" Ares asks slightly confused

"When we were in the cell every morning he would walk past and stare at me, please Miguel it was him" Pleading with my eyes I use the name I gave him to try and tell him how serious I am

"Okay, it's okay I believe you" he says after hearing how desperate I am for him to believe me

I don't exactly say it too loud so nobody but Ares could hear what I was saying. Ares turns to Alessandro before walking over to him. They talk for a couple of seconds before they both glance back at me clearly worried about me.

After looking back at each other Alessandro gets his phone out and starts calling someone while Massimo does the same thing. The boys disperse in different directions when they hear whatever the reason they are both on the phone.

The only people left are the parents. Grandma and Grandpa didn't come today and suddenly I'm really glad, I love them and all but I don't really want them to see me freak out over a guy passing us.

The parents take me back to the meeting room since we didn't actually make it that far before everything happened. Sitting down nobody is talking, they all just keep glancing at me. Nobody really knows what to say or do, so we all just sit there.

It isn't long before Alessandro is back and he is dragging all of us to the security room where all of the camera monitors are. The room is really big seeing as we have a lot of cameras so we need at least two guys to watch over everything.

When we enter the guy closest to us stands and heads straight for us. I'm not sure exactly why we're here but I don't really feel like speaking anymore.

Alessandro's pov

After instructing Frank to rewind the tape of the hallway we were in he goes straight to work. Violet looks shaken up so she hasn't spoken since. When Frank finally gets to the right time you immediately see all of us taking up most of the screen but letting it play you can see a guy walk past us. You can also see realization before terror crosses Violet's face just before she falls.

"pause it and zoom in on his face" I instruct after he does it and he clears the image I turn to Violet to see she is staring at the ground.

"Violet... are you sure this is the right guy?" I ask trying to be sympathetic but also making sure he is who she says he is because once I put a hit on him, there is no going back

Violet steps forward taking a look at the screen before nodding. I don't push her to speak considering everything she has been through recently, instead, I take a photo of the guy before sending it to everyone who works for us including the boys, who went off searching for him when they heard who he was.

Massimo put this place on lockdown so no one can get in and no one can out. Deciding instead of just standing here waiting for someone to find this man I tell Frank to start looking for him on the cameras while I get my phone back out.

Looking through my contacts I find James's number before dialing it. James doesn't take long to answer immediately firing questions at me.

James – bold Alessandro – italic

Who is this guy? Why is one of the bases on lockdown? Did you send this to everyone?

He is a traitor, the base is on lockdown because he's in here somewhere and yes I did send this to everyone. Now are you here or not

Right. Yeah, I am here. What do you need

I need you to find out who he is, who he talked to, how he joined when he joined. I want to know everything. And James do it by yourself, I don't know who I can trust right now

Consider it done

We both hang up and there is a slight weight lifted off my shoulders, with James I know it gets done and I know I can trust him.

Turning back to Frank I narrow my eyes slightly. Frank feeling my eyes on him turns to me

"Have you located him yet" I ask not wasting time

"not yet sir, he seems to have vanished 5 minutes ago and I can't locate him on any of the cameras"

Turning around I don't bother replying to him before looking at Uncle Giovanni. 

"Can you take Violet back to the meeting room while I sort this out. Lock the door and barricade it, only answer the door when one of us says we have him captured and he's in a cell" Everyone nods before Aunt Emma slowly places a hand on Violet's shoulder and leads her out of the room and to the meeting room with the uncles and aunts surrounding them in a circle.

Before leaving the room I turn back to Frank and tell him if he found where the man is then he needs to call me straight away. With that, I send a quick message letting the boys know our parents and Violet and back in the meeting room and only go back to them once we have captured the man. 

. ☾ . 

I'm really sorry I uploaded this so late, I only realised at 2 that it was Monday and I hadn't written anything because I just started my school holidays. 

anyway, I was going to make this longer but because it's already 4 I don't want you guys to wait longer.

I hope you guys are having a good day/night and if not I hope it gets better

also side note I've seen some of you guys say James is weird and you think he is a traitor but he isn't, I was originally going to do it but then I thought it through and Alessandro and Elijah are too smart to not notice that he is shady for that long. so James is good okay. 

I'm planning to delete the scene where Violet sings at the start, I don't think it goes with the story so I'll either add something else or just delete the whole scene and be done with it. again I really don't have a plan for this so it is kind of all over the place. 

if I do change the scene I'll sum it up at the end of the next chapter 

my darling violetWhere stories live. Discover now