54 - No Reason

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Andros took care of me for a while but when it was time to sleep, he dropped me in Alexandre's room with a kiss on my forehead.

Alexandre cuddled me to his side, caressing my cheek which I knew must be a bit red because of Andros.

The rooms were almost identical. They never had anything personal. The offices did. That showed just how much time they spent in their offices.

As much as I loved laying beside Alexandre, I wished Andros would sleep beside me. He had looked troubled when he left me here. Like he wanted to stay.

Alexandre grabbed my red ass and pulled me over him so that I was laying on him. "What's going on in that head?"

"Nothing," I mumbled. "I'm tired."

He turned off the bedside lamp and tucked me against his side. He pressed a kiss on my lips and rubbed his giant hand on my back, making me so comfortable my eyes were dropping within minutes.

"Good night, baby."

"...night, Alexandre," I mumbled.

. . .

Hedeon Kozlov

"Is it done?"

Issak nodded. "Yeah. It's as perfect as it can be."

"What about the house?"


I nodded and sent him away. It was a few days after Monets' mother's birthday. Dahlia had...opened up a bit. She trusted us with her body, as she allowed us to touch her again and again. But she didn't talk about her feelings.

Well, neither did I or Alexandre. We hadn't said we loved her. I didn't know about Alexandre, but I was just saving myself from having her shut down on me.

I walked out of my office. It was another day on the ship. Dahlia was in her apartment.


I looked at Andre Allard. He was one of Monets' fathers. Not an uncle. This whole three fathers who were triplets thing had been a lot to wrap my mind around when I was a kid.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He shrugged and pulled out Minnie from his jacket pocket. She meowed up at him, purring. "I was hoping Dahlia would be here. Irina's heart breaks every time Minnie sleeps on Dahlia's handkerchief."

I took the tiny kitten from his hands. "I'm going to her apartment right now." Bobby and Vaness were here, on the ship. So there were no chances of Bobby getting territorial.

"I have something else to discuss with you."

"Let's go to my office and talk there." There were too many people in the hallway. He nodded.

"This girl...Dahlia," he said as he sat down on a chair, eyes firmly on me. He and his brothers had made me nervous when I was younger. But no one could have been a bigger monster than my mother and father.

"She knows about the disguise, does she not?"

"She knows our real names, yes."

"Does she know Elliot is dead?"


"So, this random girl knows all our secrets."

"She is Noah's niece," I said. "In case you've forgotten. And," I leaned forward. "You have some explaining to do."

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