38 - Ice Cream

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"It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness."

- Leo Tolstoy
. . .

Lucian Monet

"So?" I asked. "What do you have in mind?"

Emilia's eyes narrowed at me. Hedeon and I were sitting in a cafe with her. The cafe was empty, except for one waiter who kept looking at us as if begging for a gun in the skull.

I was a paitent man, but Dahlia's sister was a fucking nightmare.

"I'd come with you," she said, her arms folded against her chest. "But, I already accepted a deal from Damien. He'll keep me safe."

Hedeon ran a hand over his face. I knew his patience was running thin. "Did you not hear anything we just said or are you fucking stupid?"

"Why are you talking to me like that!" She demanded and then shrunk away as Hedeon's eyes narrowed at her. "Y-You might be Dahlia's boyfriend, but you can't talk to me that way. She wouldn't like it."

"I don't fucking see her around, do you?" I asked. "What Dahlia will like and won't like is not at of your business."

Her lips twisted in an annoying smirk. "If you tell her you met up with me, she'll cry. She's sensitive. She is always competing with me." She leaned forward, invading my personal space. My hands itched to reach into my jacket and pull out of my gun. "You and I should date."


"It will be awesome!" She giggled. "Dahlia and I would be dating best friend! Although." She looked at Hedeon. "She might go back to Evan, you know? And you'd probably let her go. Dahlia is...bland, at best. You'll tire of her. And then." She gave me a smirk. "We all can have fun. Maybe you can even take me to that beautiful ship you have."

I looked at Hedeon. "If I kill her, how long will it take for Dahlia to get over it?" I asked in French.

"It should take one fucking second, but it would probably take a lifetime," he replied in Russian.

Emilia's eyes lit up. "Your accents are so hot-"

I stood up, buttoning my jacket. "Miss Davis. Our offer for protection stands, but for all I care, you can die tonight. Dahlia is not bland. You're just fucking blind because your head is stuck up your ass. And-" I paused, letting her see how serious I was. Fear took over her eyes. Good.

"Next time you disrespect Dahlia, I will take out my knife, cut out your tongue, and send it to your bastard of a father and bitch of a mother. Then, I will put you six feet in the ground. Are we clear?"

She rapidly nodded, tears washing down her face.

"Good. Now get away from me."

. . .

"Hey, Angel."

Dahlia looked up at me. She was lying on a couch, watching something on the TV.

"Angel?" She asked. "That's a new one."

"Suits you," I said, sitting beside her. "Come here."

I pulled her on my lap. She winced.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Um, Alexandre and I..." She trailed off, face flushing red.

I chuckled. "Okay. You don't have to get all shy now."

"I'm not shy," she huffed.

"Sure." I rubbed two fingers on her red cheeks. "Not shy."

"Hush it," she grumbled. "Where were you?"

"Your sister is here," I told her. "She came here with Damien. This is where Noah kept Damien hidden from Cynthia for years."

She froze. "Excuse me?"

I told her about the conversation, slipping over the bullshit her sister had said.

"What if- what if he hurts her?"

"I've got eight bodyguards following her and Damien. Damien may be skilled, but he won't be able to kill eight trained professionals."

"I still don't like it."

"You can try to convince her."

She frowned. "This is so messed up. Do my parents know anything?"

"No. Not yet. Do you want to tell them?"

"I think we need to tell them. I'll talk to Emilia first."

"Okay," I said, even though I knew talking to Emilia would only spoil her mood. But, not talking to her would trouble her more.

"When can I talk to her?"

"How is tomorrow?"


She set her head against my shoulder.

. . .

Andros Kozlov

I picked Bobby up and sat him on the counter. "The fuck do you have in your mouth?"

He just looked at me, my watch in his mouth. I tugged at it. "Let it go."

He pulled back, raising a hand as if to scratch.

"Dahlia!" I called out. "Make your little demon give me my watch."

Bobby jumped away, running towards Dahlia who walked into my bathroom, laughing.

Dahlia petted his head and spread her hand in front of his giant face. "Watch, Bobby."

He gave her a look.


He set it down and meowed, hopping off her arms and running away.

Dahlia looked down at the watch and grimaced. "It's a bit damaged. I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be sorry," I told her, wearing the watch. "Your demon should. How many souls has he eaten?"

She laughed. I pulled her close to me by her waist, pressing a kiss on her lips. "I'll drop you off at a cafe. Emilia will be there. There will be a bodyguard. Damien won't be there."

"Okay," she said, snuggling against my chest. I rubbed her back. "What if she says no to coming with us?"

"Then she'd be gambling with her life. I don't know what Damien is playing at by offering you both protection, but I doubt it's good." I kissed her forehead.

She stayed like that for a while. I didn't rush her. I just savored her.

The first time I saw her, she was twenty-one. It was about an year ago. Noah was very determined about no one looking at his brother's family, and we never really insisted.

She had been walking out of her bookstore, which belonged to Noah back then. She was wearing a purple dress and sinking her teeth into ice cream.

I didn't even mean to see her. I was just visiting town for a while because it was Monets' father's birthday.

I had turned to Hedeon. "I want her."

And now, after about an year, I had her. But not in the circumstances I wanted. Noah died because of a heart attack a few days after I saw her for the first time, and when I sometimes checked up on her according to Noah's wishes, I never found her with ice cream in her tiny hands. It was like Noah's death had broken her heart, and then Evan smashed what was left of it.

This was, perhaps, the reason why I loved taking her out for ice cream. Even though Alexandre was the only one of us who had a sweet tooth.

There was something addicting about Dahlia's smile. It was like being assured of goodness, especially when I felt like I was knee-deep in blood all of time.

I knew I'd never be able to let her go.

I'd burn down everyone who tried to make me.

. . .


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