I love you Wanda.

Her brother was dead.

She looked up at the sky, her eyes glowing the brightest red she had within her body. She wanted to curse every god out there. She wanted the entire universe to feel her pain, including whoever had their part in her brother's death.

"WHY HIM? PLEASE! NOT HIM!" She looked at the ground with tears in her eyes, but she would not cry yet. She had unfinished business to attend to. She got up and wiped her mouth with her sleeve. Her glowing eyes made her seem as if the devil itself had burst inside her soul. She stalked her way down to her destination. She stormed across the streets, tossing cars and making havoc around her. She stopped when she saw her goal. Wanda entered the wrecked train, where she had seen the main body of Ultron crash into.

Wanda had let the thought go when she had noticed earlier, and had wanted him to die on his own, but no. She would kill him herself. She breathed heavily and made her way to the entrance. As she entered, the speaker in her ear was going insane with worry.

"Wanda- you have to get here- now! Or your going to di-" she ripped Clint's voice out of her ear and threw it on the ground to stalk her way to the robot. Her eyes still head that bright red in them, and she wasn't going to lose it anytime soon. If she could have it her way, she would have those angry eyes until the day she died. Hopefully she wouldn't have to wait too long.

When she made her way closer to Ultron, he snapped his head over to her and stared. If robots could be scared and shocked, this one was. The whole world seemed to disappear as she stared down on him in hatred. She could hardly even process that the world around her was slowly crumbling around her.

"Wanda- what are you doing here? If you stay- you'll die."

She almost laughed in his face at his fake concern. Deciding a different choice, she instead crouched down besides him. She stared into his red eyes and found they matched hers. Maybe she was the villain. Maybe her brother was good and she was bad. Maybe she should die too, then maybe the world would be better off.

Wanda just didn't care anymore. She didn't care about anyone anymore.

"I just did. And do you know how it felt?" She reached into his robotic body and held his generator in her shaking red flurry hands. Her red energy was leaking unconsciously out of her hands and she didn't know how to stop it. Wanda looked at the robot one more time and made sure he got a good look of him losing his war. His heart symbolized the danger he caused, and as long as it powered his body, the danger would continue to rage on.

Wanda looked at it bitterly and crushed the metal devise. She let the dust in her hands slip out like sand. She turned to look at him on last time, and spit her words in his face. "Like zat."

She watched in satisfaction as he slowly drained away, never to be seen again.

Wanda sneered, just as the whole place started to fall. The ground beneath her began to decline with everything else too- And she would go down with it. Her heart finally beat in a healthy pace, instead of the heavy thump that pressed its way into her skull, and she felt it speed up finally. Her entire world, childhood, family, had officially collapsed in the last hour. When the floor opened up to swallow her and that metro train up, she closed her eyes and knew it was time. It was time to find her brother again, just that time it would be in a better place.

Von't worry Pietro, I'll be zere soon.

But her death never came.

Her weight felt normal again, and she felt arms wrap around her protectively. She looked at her savior almost expecting Pietro, but saw Vision carefully steering his way out of the falling items that were in the sky. She laid her head on his chest, that was surprising and pleasantly warm, let out one defeated sigh, and let exhaustion take over.

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