Wanda nodded her head, and didn't even flinch when bullets were shot at them. She was under shock. Clint only cursed under his breath and muttered a few words to himself. He drew out one of his arrows and shot blindly out of a window next to them. Wanda watched as he gave her one last look and ran his way out of that building, shooting arrows almost immediately out into the sea of droids.

Suddenly, Wanda had a surge of guilt and influenced strength that she didn't know she could have. He was so selfless, he didn't have to be doing all of that. He could be on his farm, with his family making sure they were safe, but he wasn't, was he? He was there, making sure she was emotionally in-check. And although she didn't agree with most of what Tony believed in; the Avengers were good people. Clint was proof of that.

Making her decision, Wanda threw the doors back with her scarlet powers and as soon as she did, she took down over ten droids. She made sure they would get back up by flatting them down with the back wall of a building. Clint, suddenly noticing the fewer bullets being shot at him, looked behind him in confusion by the sudden shortage of enemy. He caught sight of her glowing eyes and smiled at her in a 'I knew you could' kind-of-way. She smiled back and she felt relief of doing good for once, and then ran to another part of the city.

She had lived in that city for her whole life, she knew it like the back of her hand; so one can imagine how fast she made her way around the place. Sadly, she didn't exactly run as fast as her brother, so it was still a challenge when she came across droids that she really couldn't just ignore. Also because they caught sight of her before she caught sight of them. That was one problem that added additionally along with the others.

She used her powers to make a force-field around her, and the small see-through bubble was helping tremendously with not getting her killed. She was invincible, and it seemed as if the robots knew that, because it wasn't long before their fires became harder, and more violent. Even so, such attempts for washed away with one flick of the hand. 

Wanda abruptly stopped, spotting a family that was about to become droid-meat. Her heart beat heavily, and she was already drained from just walking around with her powers flowing around her. Even so, she tried running as fast as she conceivably could, and suddenly (with her yelping in surprise of course) something helped her get to her destination ten times faster. She looked around in confusion and saw with a small cloud of dust, her brother speeding off.

"You're welcome!" He yelled back to her when he stopped for the smallest amount of moment, and disappeared as fast as he came.

She fixed her attention to the family after scoffing from her idiot brother and she moved her shield over them just as the droids began to shoot. The small family of four were all cowering, waiting for their deaths, but luckily for them, it was not their time to die. Wanda strengthened her shield when she saw a single bullet pass through and almost hit one of the little boys. She frowned. She would have to perfect that sooner or later, or someone might actually die from her tired mistake. 

When the robots figured out their bullets were doing nothing to the flinching family, they each turned their attention towards Wanda, and then began to target her instead. Wanda rushed her way into her shield with the family and sighed.

 Droids... they never could make up their minds, could they?

After 'tsk'ing in shame, she cracked all of her fingers and blocked all of the bullets from hitting the force-field anymore, with a single swipe of the hand. With an extra welcoming sight, she watched as she guided the silver bullets to turn around and go right back to their owners. Most of the bullets hit their generators and if not, it went into something vital because soon after, all twenty of them collapsed within seconds. 

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