Chapter 5. Not quite right...

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"Hey... let's forget about cooking tonight," Jack suggested with a warm smile, gently pulling away from their hug to meet her gaze directly. "How about we order some pizza and have a laid-back evening? You can tell me all about your latest race, and hey, I'll even let you paint my nails if you want... deal?" As he spoke, he lovingly kissed away her tears, leaning down to be at her eye level, captivated by her unique purple eyes. He adored his niece; she embodied the very essence of her father and was incredibly easy to love. Despite her occasional swearing, threats, and involvement in fights, she possessed the same kindness, intelligence, and charm that her dad once had. Phase was his daughter in his heart, regardless of their non-biological relationship, and he would forever treasure that bond.

However, Jack carried his own secrets, hidden even from Phase. He was aware of the weight they bore and the impact they might have on their relationship. Yet, in this moment, his focus was solely on providing solace and support for his niece, for he knew the importance of fostering an environment where she could feel safe and loved. Despite the deep affection Jack held for Phase, there was one aspect he could never fully comprehend: what was it about her that made it so easy to love her? There was an undeniable aura surrounding her that captivated him every time he laid eyes on her, drawing him in on a physical and emotional level. This profound connection compelled him to protect her with unwavering devotion, even more so than he felt for his dearest and closest friend. Jack had always been a solitary individual, even during Anthony's presence in his life. He had consciously tried to avoid forming attachments, though he admittedly grew attached to Anthony, which ultimately made his death all the more devastating.

However, the magnetic pull he felt towards Phase remained a puzzle. He couldn't pinpoint why he experienced such an intense desire to be around her to safeguard her at all costs. Yet, he understood that he had made a promise to Anthony, a promise to protect Phase with every ounce of his being. The knowledge of his eventual departure from her side pained him deeply. He knew that one day, he would have to leave her permanently. In the face of this reality, he clung to the hope that he would be present for the pivotal moments of her life. He yearned to meet the man who would cherish and stand by her side, to walk her down the aisle on her wedding day, to hold her children in his arms. Jack fervently hoped that he would be there for Phase when she truly needed him, praying that he would have the opportunity to witness and contribute to the greatest chapters of her life before he returned to his own reality.

Jack, known for not being sentimental, swiftly changed the atmosphere by playfully putting his arm around his niece's neck and ruffling her hair, creating a delightful mess. This gesture showcased his well-known smug side. He wasted no time and exclaimed, "Well, what're we standing around for, hm? I'll order us a pizza, and you can tell me all about how you kicked some ass! I wanna hear every detail, including how you sent those bastards running with their tails between their legs!" His enthusiastic remark earned him a playful punch on the arm from Phase, who laughed and attempted to free herself from his grip. Phase adored her uncle and appreciated his smug behaviour, even if it could be overwhelming at times. Responding with a grin, Phase agreed to share the details, "yeah yeah alright. But be prepared to have your mind blown old man!" Her mood improved rapidly as she handed him the phone to order their favourite pizza. While Jack placed the order, Phase decided to check on Smokescreen. She was just going to poke her head out but could hear voices through the wood of the door, assuming that Smokescreen was reporting back to base. However, just as she was about to touch the door handle, Smokescreen's car alarm suddenly blared loudly. It became evident that the Cybertronian intentionally made noise to grab Phase's attention and draw her outside for god knows what reason! Jack, noticing the sound of the car alarm and Phase's odd behaviour, looked back at her to ensure everything was alright. Feeling embarrassed and frantic, Phase swiftly raced outside to silence the robot's alarm.

Transformers: Rise of The Allsparkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن