"You're too old for games,"

"So fucking useless!"

"Clean yourself up,"

"No one is coming for you,"

"Is this what you want to do with your life?"

"You want to play games?!"

"You ungrateful child!"

It was too loud. I wanted everything to stop. Ti tried to stop crying but the tears knelt coming. I slowly remembered everything; My mother barging in here and breaking everything and the nightmare I had.

My body ached like I was beaten by a group of bullies in high school. That part must have been from my dream. Even among the confusion, I had one question.

"Who let you in here?" I asked Aiden.

"Noir, are you up?" Halo opened the door to my room just in time. "What the fuck are you doing here? Aiden?"

I rushed to his air and hugged him. I was still crying, but a part of me was still scared. A part of me wanted to know what these nightmares were about.

With everything I was dealing with, it was too much. I had never experienced anything that brutal before. Since I got to the same scenery more than once, it was obviously more than a dream.

Who was the little girl and the boy in my dream? What did their kidnapping have to do with me?

While I considered this. Halo hugged me and comforted me. It wasn't as warm as before, but it was enough to help me get up. I tried to avoid looking at Aiden, but it was hard.

He wore a look of betrayal when I went to Halo's side. What did he expect was going to happen? I told him Halo was my boyfriend.

"I know you're a bit confused, but come out and eat," Halo said. "I'm sure you'll feel better,"

"I don't have any food," I replied, wiping my tears.

"Jonas made you porridge,"

"Jonas is here?"

"My sister too,"

I frowned in confusion, but then I remembered hearing the conversation that he was Aiden's cousin. Jessi was Halo's sister. There were so many people worried about me and I never knew that this was possible. I could only feel grateful.

Aiden glared at me from the corner of my room, making it obvious. At first, I struggled to look away, but I accidentally found them again. His gaze felt like sunburn on my skin. I shivered from the encounter and looked away.

The only way to avoid him was to leave the room, so I got up and left with Halo. My nose sniffed something delicious the second I left the room and my mouth watered in anticipation.

There was only one problem; Aiden's gaze followed me here, too. He said nothing as if he was asked to shut up. But he kept his eyes on me.

"Nicole! You're awake!" Jessi exclaimed, jumping on me.

I nearly passed out again as a huge rush of air escaped my lungs. Obviously, she was elated to see me, but I would end up in bed again if this continued.

"I-can-can't breathe," I coughed out, and Jessi let me go.

"Come and try this," Jonas rushed to my lying room with a freshly dished bowl of porridge.

"Who called you guys here?" I asked, accepting the bowl.

"I called Mia and Jessi. Mia called Jonas," Halo replied.

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