Chapter 27 - Death

Start from the beginning

“Shi…dou…” Origami said this before losing consciousness completely.
Yuzuru looked perplexed. Gently cradling Origami, she glided over to the AST she had only just knocked flying, carefully handed Origami over to them, and then returned to Yoshino and Kaguya.

“Wh-what are you…,” the captain who accepted Origami asked dubiously.
But Yoshino had no answer. She also would have liked to know what she was doing there.

“And yet a lone question lingers, Yoshino. Why are we in a place such as this?”

“Assent. I thought we were at the Tenou Festival.”
It seemed that the Yamai sisters also did not have any kind of grasp on the situation. And Yoshino had been hoping they might be able to tell her something.


Yoshino, the Yamai sisters, and Yoshinon inside Zadkiel yanked their heads upward, turning their eyes to the top floor of the largest building in the area.
It was a battlefield, chaotic with muffled roars and scattered beams of magical light. They watched the massive explosion and incredible surge of Spirit power.

“Wh-what…,” Yoshino murmured, stunned, as she looked up at the explosion, and then met the eyes of the Yamai sisters, who looked similarly shocked.

"......" His back hurt. It felt like he turned old all of a sudden, but that would be impossible for someone like Lucas who doesn't age.
The simple reason for it was that he was sitting against a wall, with his back hunched over.

"Ku..." His entire body hurt. Lucas wanted to use the wall behind him to support his body up, but there was no feeling of his right arm.

Glancing over his right shoulder. The spot where an arm would be, there was nothing. And not only that. His chest. There was a tunnel inside his chest.

"Aah..." Lucas remembered now. His arm was cut off by Ellen at Tenguu Square, and she had utterly degeated him. With the thought of the fight and pain in his mind, he gritted his teeth, and clenched his hand to the point of bleeding.

"I couldn't save them....!" He cursed himself for the lack of strength. He wants to become stronger. He needed to become stronger. All in order to achieve his goals. But seeing the enemy utterly destroying him without breaking a sweat, even in his Reinforcements-mode, broke his confidence. He knew that he was no enemy for her. But before he could curse more, a familiar voice echoed through the emptiness.

"Quite a bad situation, isn't it...?"

"I know..." Lucas replied, knowing who this voice belonged to. He lazily turned his head towards the source of that voice, and saw the usual being. He still couldn't make out what it was, but it had the form of a human. It was weirdly covered in light all over. It was that mysterious being who always appeared in life or death situations if not called out for.

"Do you feel it? The aura of the demon king?"

"Demon King...? What's happening right now?" Lucas asked, not sure what could've happened. All he could remember was getting sliced his limb off and getting stabbed through his heart.

"....." It stayed silent again.

"Answer me.... I need to know!" Lucas demanded to know what happened outside.

"Yatogami Tohka.. she....inversed."

"—?!" Lucas didn't know too much about Spirit inversion, since they had yet to encounter such event, but even so it wasn’t something you can take lightly. No one can take it lightly. Inversion is the worst possible event that can occur for Ratatoskr. Tohka really has the power to completely annihilate everyone now.

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