Goodbye Radar

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The words "Radar's uncle passed away" repeated in his head and Hawkeye knew this was going to stir everything up again.

He looked over at his sleeping child and debated whether or not to wake him. They still needed to tell Radar the bad news and Chris wouldn't be happy if he missed helping his friend. But the boy was finally asleep and he needed the rest so Hawkeye let him sleep.

With his decision made, they went in search of the clerk and found him in the officer club, drinking his grape Nehi. He was a bit upset about not being able to find a generator and was nursing his drink.

Hawkeye hated to be the bringer of bad news but as a doctor you didn't have a choice sometimes. Thankfully the colonel took this burden on him but it was still heartbreaking to see the color drain of his friend's face and the terror. Radar seemed shocked at first and a little dazed but as the reality invaded his mind he became clearer.

The rest of the night was spent trying to call back Radar's mother because it took hours before they finally reached her.

Hawkeye, BJ, Francis and the Colonel were waiting patiently while Radar was on the phone when a nervous Chris found them.

The boy sighed with relief when he saw his dad and walked up to stand next to him. He felt a nervous, sad energy around the room and it made him even more anxious than he already was. It always puts him on edge to wake up alone. Even though Charles was there, it wasn't the same as his dad. He needed to know where his dad was.

Hawkeye put an arm around his son's shoulder and explained carefully that Radar's uncle passed away. Once again he saw the color drain and the sadness in those blue eyes. Chris immediately wanted to run towards the other room, probably to hug or cling to his friend but Hawkey stopped him by grabbing the boy's waist and pulling him back.

"Radar is calling his mom, better let them have some privacy." He said.

"But dad! He might need me!" Chris tried but Hawkeye shook his head and didn't let him go so Chris sighed and sat down next to his dad.

Radar stepped out a couple minutes later with a defeated expression. The young clerk looked like he aged ten years in one single night. The clerk put away some files and Hawkeye wasn't fast enough to stop Chris from barreling into his friend. The boy grabbed the clerk around his waist and buried his face into the Clerk's bathrobe.

Radar let out a soft "Oof!" when Chris collided with him but other than that the man still seemed a bit shocked.

"What'd your mom say, Radar?" Hawkeye asked gently.

"Mostly that's she's okay." Radar mumbled. "Uncle Ed's funeral is tomorrow. Everybody in Ottumwa is gonna be there... Except me." He said defeated. "Then Mom can take over for herself."

The Colonel sighed and said. "It's not gonna be easy for her, though, is it?"

"Yeah" Radar responded when he walked to the other side of the room with Chris clinging around his waist in order to continue his work. It was a skill some of the personnel learned while dealing with Chris.

Hawkeye didn't have the heart to pull the child away at this moment and Radar didn't really seem to notice the boy anyway so he let him be.

"Quite a woman, your mother." Francis added sorely.

"Takes after her son." BJ said. "And how about you, Radar? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah. I'm okay." Radar said but it didn't sound like that at all. "I mean, I don't wanna be, but I guess I have to be. I'm the man of the family now."

Chris let out a small sniff. Radar was being so strong right now and Chris thought it was so brave. He admired him so much and tried hard to not start crying, but the sad, anxious feeling around the room was suffocating.

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