Another Kid

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It's been two weeks since Chris jumped out of the chopper, his hands are now completely healed, and the purple spot on his face was also completely gone.

A day ago Hawkeye got a whole year's supply of school books delivered for Chris. The child was very excited to receive such a big package for himself, he liked most of the books except for math and calculations. He made a face while he read the cover, which made Hawkeye laugh out loud.

Chris already read a couple of chapters from his history book this morning. He seems to love history.

Hawkeye received the planning around Chris' schoolwork as well. Chris needed two years to catch up, but if he did a couple of chapters each day he would be finished earlier than a whole year, so maybe it could get him up to speed a lot sooner. So his kid got a week to do a couple of chapters of each book.

Hawkeye decided on keeping a normal school week routine, so schoolwork during the day until 4 then he was free to play. This way it would be easier if they got back to the states, and ever wanted to go to school.

Chris didn't look that happy about that but accepted it. He was used to just working if he wanted to, his dad didn't keep regular hours for his schoolwork. As long as he worked on it at least once a day.

Hawkeye thought that it was also a good idea for Chris to get some chores around the camp. But because the tasks at the camp weren't suitable for a ten-year-old, Hawkeye made sure Chris got to help the people around here. Chris needed to help someone at least once or twice a week. Hawkeye thought Chris was too young for an allowance but he would think about it later on.

Chris didn't mind, he liked helping, and people always seemed very grateful. He helped Francis with the camp's laundry, and Klinger in the kitchen peeling potatoes. Multiple times he helped Radar with his paperwork or mail rounds, he did that just because he liked the clerk, and this way they could talk about superheroes.

Right now the doctors are operating for several hours already.
They were bickering with each other, like always.

Chris was working in Radar's room on his school work, he was allowed to work on the desk here, and in the O.R he only had a chair to work on, so he chose this over the O.R. He had his little Wally next to him.

Once in a while however he needed to look at his dad, just to check if he was still there!

His dad explained that if he did two or three chapters of each book a day, he would finish a lot sooner and could start his next year. Chris didn't know if he wanted to do that many a day, and he didn't have to, but right now he was just having fun working on it. He liked history but got a problem with his biology, not because it was too difficult but because of his English.

But he could ask his dad anytime he's not working. His dad knew everything.

During the bickering in the O.R, Henry tried to keep the peace.

“Calm down people! We're here to help each other!”

“Want a hand, Frank?” Trapper asked.

“Aw, leave him alone. He's just doing a premature autopsy.” Hawkeye said while finishing his last patient.

Frank did not seem amused.

Hawkeye turned toward his new patient and is a bit shocked to see a young Korean boy!

“Oh, no, not another one.”

“What do you got?” Trapper asked him.

“He can't be more than five years old.” Hawkeye sounded like he felt, completely heartbroken.

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