No Fun

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It's been a couple of days after the wounded exchange and Chris was having a terrible day so far. No, make those days! Three terrible days!

He planned to do his shores with Radar today, which was usually delivering mail and meeting everyone in the morning. Chris liked that, just saying hi, and people were always very happy to see him.

But for the last three days, it was different, it was raining! Not just a bit of rain but the whole three days it rained extremely, everything was soaked, wet, moist and most of it was dirty.

On the first day, his butt still hurt a little, and with all the rain that started, he hadn't had any distraction away from that. Chris could only stay inside on those days, which was boring!

Today he finished his schoolwork already and even wrote some little stories and things he just thought about down, and now he was bored again. They rushed through Breakfast and Lunch, because of the rain everything was dirty and slippery, and even the Swamp kept leaking through the roof. Not as bad as the mess hall but still dripping water everywhere!

It was a depressing sight.

And on top of all that, Henry was attending a lecture in Seoul, so Frank was in charge, and he wanted more military order around here.

This sunrise he even started with the bugle to wake everyone up, Chris almost got a Panic attack but the boy managed to stop it, he just needed to cry a little but nothing worse than that.

Dinner was also terrible, the rain was dripping in the food, so the food tasted very bad today. Even the bread was moist!

After that they went to watch the movie in the mess hall, the place was packed as everyone seemed bored as well with the lack of entertainment.

It wasn't even a funny movie, it was a boring romantic movie.

Chris sighed as he leaned a little against his dad. He was dressed in a poncho against the rain. It was an ugly army green color and Chris thought he looked very stupid, but he had to wear it, his dad insisted.
Everyone else was wearing one of those too, so he wasn't the only one but they had to wear it even inside the buildings because of all the leaks.

Chris tried to snuggle against his dad but there was a squirt of water falling right between them and kept dripping on Chris's shoulder with drops spatting in his face.

He was bored but there was nothing else to do, so the boy just sat there being moody.

The sound of the movie stopped and people immediately murmured their complaints to poor Klinger, who was trying to fix the projector after water dripped on it.

They watched the big white soundless screening of a woman singing, for about a couple of minutes. Trapper turned to Klinger and wanted to complain but just as he opened his mouth a splash of water fell on his head, soaking the man completely. A good amount of that landed on Chris as the boy wasn't fast enough to dodge. He almost jumped on his dad's lap to avoid the water stream, but it didn't help much, it only made his dad more grumpy as the man spilled some of his Martini.

Another two minutes of the silent movie passed by and just like that the sound jumped on again. People clapped and cheered, till the roof tore open and a whole splash of water completely soaked the projector and the poor man working on it. The projector started to smoke heavenly while making heavy struggling sounds.

“Well movie night is over,” Hawkeye said before he turned to the nurse next to him and tried to score a date, he got rejected the next second and the man turned back towards Chris and Trapper.

“Let's blow!” Trapper said as he got up.“ It's 8:30. It's pouring. No movie. No soft personnel.” the man sighed “ I'd rather be down in Seoul hearing Henry's lecture”

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