Bug Out

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Why does Frank always have to make things more difficult? Hawkeye thought irritated.

Chris's nightmares increased these weeks, probably because of the court trial. And it took a lot of effort from him and Chris's friends to make the child feel safe enough so that the nightmares got less frequent.

And now that he was finally doing better, Frank steps in, like always, saying the most stupid stuff. Most of the personnel watched a little bit of what they said and how they said it when Chris was near, but not Frank.

Hawkeye sighed, he shouldn't be so angry with the man, Chris was his responsibility to worry about, so it was natural that Frank didn't. But he just wished the man would think before he spoke.

It all started this morning, the moment they walked inside the mess hall Frank said.

“We know something you don't know.”

Hawkeye stopped and put his hands in his pockets as he replied.
“Major Houlihan is a brunette? ”

Margaret huffed and glared at the man before she snapped.
“Garbage head”

“Take one to know one,” Hawkeye said.

“May I join the conversation?” BJ added.

“Keep it short.” Frank snapped.

“Hi.” BJ grinned at the glare from the other man. He loved irritating the Major in the morning.

“That's short,” Hawkeye said.

Chris giggled.

“Ohh stop that giggling, you sound like a girl!” Frank snapped.

“Frank! He's just a kid.” Margeret said, making Frank look a bit apologetic.

“Yeah, Frank, he's my kid! It would be best to remember that, next time before you start calling names.” Hawkeye said. He felt Chris grab the back of his shirt as the boy stepped closer to hide a little behind his dad, using him as a barrier.

“Never mind that! Guess what's happening.” Frank replied, but at least he looked a bit nervous.

“We're bugging out, retreating.” Margeret voiced.

“A battalion of North Koreans is headed this way,” Frank said casually.

Hawkeye felt his son starting to tremble, why did Frank have to say it like that, he could've kept that to himself, there's no need in getting the child afraid. This way, it would take a miracle if he got his kid, nightmare free in this lifetime.

BJ shrugged casually as he said. “Frank, is this something you've been dreaming about, or has the major been talking in her sleep?”

“Another garbage head!” Margeret snapped.

“Two garbage heads are better than one,” BJ replied with a smile.

“What a minute, when are we supposed to bug out?” Hawkeye asked.

“Any minute. It's top secret.” Frank said. “We don't want the enlisted personnel to know we're retreating.”

Hawkeye looked at him confused as he said “Why? Arent, they invited?”

Chris let out a small snort as he didn't want to giggle again. Frank was probably just being mean, but he didn't know if he did sound like a girl. Or if that was a bad thing.

Hawkeye noticed Chris was a bit quiet during breakfast, and he tried to cheer the boy up. He had hoped that the mood of his kid would get better, but when they returned to the Swamp he knew it wasn't going to be so easy. The boy kept glancing at him nervously like he didn't quite believe that it was just a rumor, even though Hawkeye kept telling him it was.

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