Poker Face

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It was a grey and cloudy day as Major Sidney Freedman and Captain Sam Pak arrived at the 4077th. They got immediately greeted by Radar and directed to their tents.

They were there on official business, a "conference" but that was merely a cover story, it was their poker game evening, tonight.

And it gave the man a chance to see Chris. Which was also a great cover story as Sidney was his official psychiatrist.

Sidney held close contact with Hawkeye and Frans about the child. But they did that themselves also, Hawkeye had already written Frans a couple of times and even Chris sent letters, even a Dutch one for his grandmother, the boy received a letter back and a box of homemade cookies. Which the boy shared with almost everyone. And even Radar twice, because he ate so much according to his son.

Sidney was looking forward to seeing Chris and of course to the game tonight.

As Sidney entered his tent Radar was helping with his luggage.

" The conference will start at 18:00 hours sharp." the clerk said while struggling with Sidney's suitcase who was about to fall open. And it was pretty heavy.

"Oh, sir, if you like a drink, compliments of Colonel Blake." Radar said happily, he got the suitcase safe on the ground.

"Scotch, gin, vodka, and for your convenience all in the same bottle!" the clerk shrugged happily.

Sidney thanked the clerk and saluted him away. Just as Radar was about to leave, a small boy wanted to storm in, he was alone as his dad was taking a shower. Chris started to be brave enough to shower alone, so they didn't need to shower at the same time anymore. Chris knew Sidney would arrive and wanted to say hello, he missed the man.

Chris almost collided with Radar but stopped just in time and barely hopped around the late teen.

"I'm sorry!" The boy said quickly.

"Whoa, careful there!" said the young clerk while holding on to the boy for a second making sure he didn't fall before stepping to the side. "You ok?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I am fine. " Chris said as he looked at Sidney's gentle eyes.

He didn't even notice Radar leaving the tent. Chris came in with a lot of enthusiasm and wanted to say Hi! But now as he looked at Sidney, his emotions got away from him, he just felt so relieved to see the man! His heart was beating so fast that it hurt! And he still couldn't believe that he was actually here.

"Sidney!" he exclaimed before he let out a sob and sniffed.

"What's wrong? Angel?" Sidney said softly.

He could see the tears forming in those big blue eyes. He stepped closer to the child and opened his arms inviting the boy in. Chris didn't need to think about it, he trusted Sidney and he had missed the man.

The child almost ran into the man's embrace and buried his head into Sidney's belly, and started sobbing quietly.

"Did you miss me?" Sidney asked softly as he rubbed the little boy's back trying to calm him down.

Chris nodded his head against Sidney's stomach.

"Oh, Angel… I missed you too." Sidney wrapped his arms around the little boy tighter, he would just let Chris cry it out.

He had expected this kind of reaction, it's been a while since they saw each other, and Chris was very sensitive about the people he cared about. He wasn't sure how long they stood like that but eventually, the soft sobbing stopped.

Meanwhile, Radar was letting Sam pack know that the "conference" was starting at 18:00.

After that, the clerk went to the showers.

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