Sniper Action

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It was almost noon as Hawkeye with Chris on his heels returned to the Swamp. They just showered and Hawkeye explained to the boy that he needed privacy for a couple of hours. Chris was kinda resentful but he didn't want to watch his dad kiss another girl. So he accepted it but huffed to let the man know he wasn't happy.

As they entered the Swamp Hawkeye started shaving immediately and explained to Trapper about his date, they were going on a picnic, and he would show her the beauty of Korea, and then some.

"And Chris?" Trapper asked

"Doing school work, probably in Radar's office," Hawkeye said, brushing his face with the shaving brush.

Chris dropped himself on his bed, he needed to collect his schoolwork. As he reached for his history book, Hawkeye asked him if he was up to date with all his school work.

Chris got a sinking feeling in his stomach as he nodded, everytime his dad asked he just nodded or said yes, but he didn't even start his math work. He just likes his other books better. Why he nodded the first time, he wouldn't know. The second time Chris said yes to that question, it was because he was afraid of disappointing his dad.

Now his dad asked again and he didn't want to tell the man he didn't do his math, not with Trapper and Frank in the room. What if he got punished? he didn't want the other two men to know that!

Hawkeye looked up from his shaving to his kid, Chris seemed nervous. Maybe he should check up on his work, it's been two weeks since Chris started his schoolwork and if Hawkeye asked, Chris told him he did his work. He always trusted the boy, Chris normally didn't lie about stuff but the nervous reaction of the child now made Hawkeye question his decision.

"Can you bring me your work, I want to check if you understand it" Hawkeye asked as Chris his eyes got big and he started fidgeting nervously.

Hawkeye looked at his son and sighed, Yes! He should've checked sooner. His boy looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He didn't want to punish his kid for something stupid like schoolwork, maybe a stern talking too will be enough.

Hawkeye dried his face with a towel after finished shaving as he said "Now! Chris!" a bit sternly. He had a date and didn't want to waste time.

Chris's face burned bright red as he slowly collected his books from his army trunk. After he got all his books, his dad got him a second hand trunk, his little suitcase didn't hold any space for his stuff anymore.

He put his books on his bed as his dad walked over, Chris couldn't look his dad in the eye. Please don't be mad! Please!

Hawkeye briefly looked at the worksheet, the man knew how much his son should have finished, but he wanted to be sure. Chris knows as well how much he needed to do each day, he didn't get that many books to be able to forget one.

He was up to date with most of his work and even far ahead with his history but his math book stayed untouched. After two weeks he should have at least got a couple of chapters done.

He looked disappointed at his son, who burned red as their eyes met.

"Didn't you tell me you were done with your school work for last week? "

"Yes, sir," The small boy said, looking back at the floor. He hated this! He hated getting in trouble, why didn't he just do his work?

"That means you lied to me! Mister!" Hawkeye said
Chris's head shot up at that and he shook his head wildly.

What! No! He thought, he looked at his dad and tried with his eyes only, to beg his dad to not get mad.

"Yes! You lied, you told me you did your work, didn't you?"

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