Bunch of Kids

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Life at the 4077th resumed as normal, Chris was having fewer nightmares now that he got a bit closer to BJ, and making friends with the man helped Chris get over the loss of Trapper.

Even with Potter, Chris did great, he and the colonel bonded during a western movie, Hawkeye was trying to flirt and kiss the nurse next to him, while his kid watched the movie and the horses with excitement. He kept whispering questions to the colonel which got some people irritated, meaning only Frank as nobody else seemed to mind. But thankfully Frank didn't dare to comment on the colonel when he answered all the child's questions and also explained a lot about horses. So Chris still dared to ask them.

Potter must have made an impact on the child as the next day Chris included him in his little night patrolling.

Radar was the one finding the boy outside at night. Radar was just walking back to his tent after he checked on Sophie the new horse of the Colonel. They found the wounded animal a couple of days back and Radar gave the animal to Potter for his anniversary. It was very sweet and Potter was thrilled and a bit emotional, while Radar was just glad to be able to take care of her. He checked her every night before he got to bed.

He walked around a dark corner and almost collided with the small child. They both scared each other as Radar screamed “Aahh” as Chris let out more of a high squeak.

“Boy! You startled me! What are you doing?” Radar held his fast-beating chest while he asked the small nervous child.

“I'm s-sorry,” Chris told his friend quickly but didn't explain further. He knew he was doing something wrong and if his dad found him, he would be punished but he needed to check on his new friend, Potter.

He liked the man and most of his favorite people slept right now, except Radar who was standing in front of him, and Klinger, who had patrol tonight. But as the most slept he was afraid of them getting hurt, he just needed to check sometimes.

His dad told him that people don't like being watched at night, and that it was very rude to do that. He hoped Radar would still be his friend if he knew, but he couldn't help himself. He kept seeing his friend get hurt, his mind was a very cruel thing sometimes.

Radar told him he should go to bed before he got in trouble. Chris sighed and thanked him for not telling his dad as he quickly left. He didn't go to bed of course as he walked two quick rounds around camp, checking on the nurses, and then on Francis.

He saw Klinger walk by and he quickly hid behind the latrines, but at least Chris knew Klinger was fine.

Next, he went back to the Swamp, BJ and his dad slept peacefully, with nothing weird going on, while Frank was working at post-up.

He made his way back to Potter's tent to try to peek again, he didn't get a good chance to do that earlier.

Hawkeye wasn't working and was fast asleep when Radar woke him, telling him he saw Chris outside, he told the doctor he already told Chris to go to bed, but he just saw him outside again.

Hawkeye sighed as he got up, why couldn't his kid misbehave when he was up and about? Then he would already be awake and walking among the living.

He walked around the compound, toward Potter's tent, as Radar told him he saw Chris heading that way, and saw the small boy in the shadows trying to peek inside the tent.

“Christopher!” Hawkeye said soft but clear. The boy jumped and hit his head on the door before he looked up at his dad with quilty blue eyes. His hand quickly rubbed his head where he hit it.

“Ohh no! ” Chris thought, dread filled him as he looked at his dad, Hawkeye stood there with his arms folded and a stern expression.

Hawkeye motions his son closer and Chris scurried to obey. As the child stood in front of his dad, Hawkeye felt Chris's head for good measure and felt a small bump forming, nothing bad. Hawkeye lifted the boy's chin to make eye contact.

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