Chapter 25 - Strongest Wizard

Start from the beginning

It passed through the cylinder and reverberated multiple times, spreading out far and wide.
Hearing this song, the Wizards dropped their weapons as one and formed a neat line against the wall.
"Miku!" Shidou shouted.

Miku averted her eyes with a displeased sniff. "Could you please not say my name so casually? When my adorable name is spoken with that voice coming from your throat and shaped by your tongue, an iiiiinescapable filth builds up on it."

As always, the pointed verbal abuse seemed incredibly out of place when it came from her charming face, and her words gouged Shidou's soul.
He looked out the window to see Yoshino and the Yamai sisters with their Angels manifested. They had likely carried Miku up to this floor of the building.

"Miss Miku...what shall we do?" Yoshino asked, clinging to the back of a giant rabbit doll, and the stern face that Miku had turned toward Shidou changed to a smile in an instant as she looked at Yoshino.

"Mm-hmm, riiiight. It seems it'd be a tight squeeze for you and your Angels inside the building... Okay. Please take caaare of the Wizards outside so that no one comes inside to disturb us." Miku held up a finger and winked.

"Keh-keh, indeed. We shall ensure that our Lady Miku's road home is swept clean."

"Concern. Will you be all right without us?"

"Ha-ha-ha!" Miku laughed merrily. "However strong they might be, they're still human beings in the end, yes? There's no way they could eeever get the jump on me, a Spirit!"

The three Spirits looked at one another and nodded.

"If you say so, then..."

"A-accepted! Trust in us to handle this. I vow that we will lay out a velvet carpet directly from this building!"

"Roger. It shall be as you wish, Miss Miku."

"H-hey, Yoshino! Kaguya! Yuzuru!" Shidou shouted, but the three Spirits ignored him and flew off in their own directions, spurring their Angels on.

A few seconds later, he saw an icy current of cold air and a mass of wind stir up the Wizard-Kurumi battlefield.
After seeing them off with a satisfied look, Miku turned toward Shidou.

"Miku... Why are you-," he started, and then his eyes flew open in surprise. "Are you actually keeping your promise?"

"...!" She scowled. "Could you pleaaase not get the wrong idea? I do not care in the sliiiiiiiiightest about some unpleasant suicidal jerk blathering on and on about random nonsense in a shrill little voice that's hard on the ears. I came because I wanted to add another Spirit to my collection!"

"Miku," he murmured, and bowed his head. "Thanks. I owe you!"

"Hmph! I told you, there's nothing for you to be thaaanking me for. I came of my own will to take Tohka away... You're free to tag along if you must, but please ensure that you stay oooout of my line of sight." She glanced at him before walking briskly down the hallway, and he hurried after her.

Countless micro missiles filled Mana's field of vision.
Naturally, this many projectiles in an airspace packed with this many people meant that it wouldn't only be the target who took damage. Missiles hit the DEM Wizards and Bandersnatches, and they fell to the ground.

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