💖 Morning Cuddles 💖

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Moon pulled you closer, wrapping his arms softly around your abdomen. Feeling your breath come in slow waves, a quiet mumble leaving your lips as you dreamt soundly. His body pressed comfortably against yours, spooning you against his lengthy, padded and warm frame. He was worried that you'd wake to the sound of his fans running on high, but you continued to doze, only dreaming of who knows what. Moon nuzzled his nose on the back your neck, giving a long gentle kiss and letting out a quiet content sigh.
"I love you, Starlight..."
To his surprise, you responded with a hum, and moved closer into his embrace. He did truly love you, and you certainly loved him back, with your entire heart, you had no idea what you'd do without him.

That was how nearly all of your mornings went, snuggled up under the sheets with Moon while he watched you with pure adoration in his eyes, happy to be spending every second of his life loving you.

Working on some longer stuff, but for now, take some short Moon cuddle fluff. <3

♡ Sundrop / Moondrop One-Shots! ♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt