💚 Captains Got Your Tongue? 💚

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Credits for chapter idea!  -> Random_lover_68
I can't write pirate stuff for shit so just bare with me here...

Moon adjusted his large hat, the feather attached to the back bopping in the wind.
Eclipse shot up from the lower deck, darting across the ship to help Moon pull up the heavy net. The sea had been silent for many hours, not a single thing stirring. But now, suddenly, there was something. And it wasn't coming up without a fight. The two bots heaved and pulled on the thickly woven net til it breached the surface, the creature caught up was writhing and struggling.
A shark maybe?

"What the hell IS that—??"
Eclipse huffed as the net lifted and plopped heavily against the deck, whatever was in it was wrapped up in seaweed. They could make out the shape of a tail fin though, that was for sure.
"Sun, come check this out."
Moon turned and motioned to the wheel of the ship, Sun nodded and dropped the anchor, heading over to see.
As he approached, the wad of seaweed wriggled again. A clawed, webbed hand, worked it's way out and slashed at the netting.
The three jumped back, glancing at one another with shock and disbelief.
"Is that-.."
"A Mer?..."
"That sure is what it looks like..."

Moon shook his head slowly.
"Let's unwrap it and get a better look.. Sun, go prepare the table under-deck."
He nodded, darting away.
Moon and Eclipse circled the net, pulling it back slowly, only to find out that the mer must've passed out.
"Damn thing tired itself out, huh?"
"Seems so..."
They lifted the limp, seaweed covered body, hoisting it down to the dim and warm enclosed area that was the lower deck. The crew slept down here, ate down here, and did everything else up outside. There was a large rectangular table in the center of the room, where Sun was folding papers and maps and setting them aside to make space.
Moon and Eclipse gently set the mer on the table, then began unwrapping the tangled seaweed around it.
"I thought Merfolk were only a myth..."
"Anythin' is possible."
The three jumped as the mer suddenly jolted awake.

You slashed at the seaweed, and flailed around on the wooden surface, only succeeding in startling the strange bots that surrounded you.
You eyed them with a sharp gaze, baring your teeth as you scooted back against the table.
It wasn't your first time being caught, surprisingly, but the last time you were, the humans clipped one of your back fins. Now you swim awkwardly.
These weren't humans though, and they didn't exactly seem hostile.

Moon reached an arm out tentatively.
"We ain't gon' hurt you, right crew?"
The other two nodded.
His fingertips brushed the end of your tail, and you made a low noise. Not one of discomfort, but more of interest.
He was curious, so he grazed your fins again.
You huffed quietly.
"Does that hurt?"
You hesitate before shaking your head.
"Oh, pretty little thing talks?"
You silenced, mouth drawn into a thin line at the suggestive tone.
Sun and Eclipse side-eyed Moon.
"Sir, shouldn't we–"
"Would you two give me some privacy?"
He narrowed his eyes ever so slightly, motioning towards the upper-deck.
"Alone in here with the mer, sir-?"
"I wasn't really asking. Go."
Eclipse rolled his eyes and made his way up with Sun.

"Now, what's a captain got to do to hear more of that lovely voice?"
Moon walked around to the side of the table, your eyes trained to him the entire time. His hand drifted up the fins of your tail, sending shivers down your spine.
Your mouth parted in a silent gasp, should you mention that your tail is sensitive? Or would that only make things worse? Or could you say.. better?
"Tail sensitive, hm?"
Nevermind then, this bot definitely seems smarter than he looks.
You nod silently, again.
"C'mon, you've said one word, surely you can say more?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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