💖 Grief 💖

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This is a fluff chapter specifically for DaytimeStar17 I really hope you get through this rough patch in life and are able to recover quickly from your loss. Lots of love ♡♡

Sun and Moon sat patiently on the living room couch awaiting for your arrival. You had left the house abruptly after receiving a phone call from family, rushing out the door without saying goodbye.
They could tell something was off, you seemed so distraught, and you clearly had tears in your eyes. It deeply worried them to see you in such a state.
It had been at least an hour before you finally arrived back home, and when you stepped through the front door you were immediately bombarded by the boys. Their voices sounded so distant to you, your heart pounding in your ears after the news you were informed of earlier. Sun and Moon shook your shoulders, getting down on their knees to look you in the eyes as you stood motionless at the front door.
"Sunshine? Sunshine please talk to us, we're worried."
"Love, please, you're scaring us."
Your eyes blurred as they focused in on the two animatronics, tears welding up in the corners.
In a matter of seconds you completely broke down, falling to the floor and hot streaks of tears sliding down your cheeks. You brought your hands up to press them against your eyes but Sun stopped you, holding your wrists (gently) with one hand. He scooped you up and brought you to the couch while Moon grabbed a tissue box and began wiping your eyes.
You felt horrible.
The two settled down on the couch, Sun placing you in his lap with a hand resting on your back to keep you from falling off, and Moon sitting close by with the tissue box in hand.
A minute passed by of you sobbing quietly until they spoke.
"Would you be able to tell us what happened, Sunshine?"
"You don't have to say anything right now, but it'd be nice to know what's got you so torn.."
Your chest heaved heavily a couple of times as you considered.
"My closest loved one passed aw-away.."
Moon glanced at Sun before lifting his hand up and lightly dabbing your cheek with a damp tissue.
"I'm so terribly sorry, love... Dealing with loss can be extremely difficult..."
His voice calmed you a little, but you still felt horrible. Wishing you could've done something to prevent this all... but you know it's out of your control.
"It wasn't your fault."
Sun spoke up, almost as if he'd read your exact thoughts.
"Life happens every day, sometimes it brings love and joy, sometimes pain and sorrow... But that's why we must cherish it when we can, and live in the present."
He rubbed slow circles into your back as you listened in carefully to his words, leaning your head to his chest.
"Your loved one is presumably in a better place now, and you'll see them again some day. Until then, we're here for you, we love you and it pains us to see you this way.."
Sun pressed a soft kiss to your forhead, squeezing you tighter against him briefly before letting you sit back.
Moon stood and tapped your shoulder after the short moment of silence between you three.
"May I bake you some cookies, Starlight? Would they make you feel a little better?"
"Oh yes! Yes yes, Moon's cookies are the best! Let me get you a nice warm blanket and we can settle down for cuddles, hmm? Doesn't that sound nice, Sunshine?"
You nod, smiling softly. As Moon ushers off to the kitchen, Sun set you down on a nearby chair and prepares the couch with tons of comfy items.
Finally all is ready and he lays down with you, Moon laying on the opposite side with a tray of cookies that he slides over your lap. The smell is warm and inviting, filling your thoughts with a sweet haze that briefly made you forget all of your troubles. You lay there for the rest of the night, embraced by the boys, Sun's words still lingering in the back of your mind. You knew all would be well, and that the sadness would take a while to go away, but for now you had Sun and Moon to take care of you. And that was enough.

I hope this helped a little, I suck at writing fluff but I know you needed it and tried my best.

It's tough losing people you love most, I know from experience what it feels like to have your whole world torn away. Just know that all hope isn't lost, there are so many people that still love you and are here for you, rather it'd be family, friends, or even online friends. We'll never stop caring for you and the pain you've went through, because everyone experiences it. Despite your hard ships, life does move on, so it's best not to dwell on the past and look forward to what you still have. Spend time with family, let them know how much you care. And no matter what happens, it wasn't your fault. It never was and never will be. It was out of your control.

Show some love to DaytimeStar17 , for staying strong.
We love you, never forget that. ♡♡

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