❤️‍🔥 An Extra Pump of Creamer~ (pt4) ❤️‍🔥

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Don't you remember who you belong to? >:]
Oh you don't? Let Eclipse remind you...

Smut is in the next chapter don't get too exited lmao

Also he kinda a bit wild in this one..

Like the day before, Eclipse waited at the doorway for you. He was certain that today would be the day that he mustered up the courage to ask you out. Certain.
His hands were shaky, palms sweaty, fans running on high, as he waited.
"Hey, newbie, Y/N came in after hours looking for you."
His coworker approached.
"Ah... Damn it... F-For what? What did she say??"
"I dunno, but she seemed pretty bummed when you weren't here. I told her that you only worked the morning shift. Then she asked––"
Eclipse had spaced out, shaming himself for not being here, his coworkers words seeming distant while he thought deeply. Something definitely caught his attention though. Eclipse snapped out of it and glared down at them, rays retracting slowly before judding back out in a dangerous manner.
"... Repeat that last part."
"Uh... I invited her to my friend's house party–"
The tall animatronic calmly turned to set your coffee down where it'd be safe, then he grabbed his coworkers shoulders and shoved them against the nearest wall.
"You better fucking stay away from her, you GOT THAT? She's mine, and mine only."
They winced as Eclipse's claws dug through their uniform and pinpricked their skin, shutting their eyes tightly in pain.

He was so furious that he hadn't noticed the chime of the front door, or the fact that you even walked in.
"What's going on?"
Your eyes narrowed, studying the scene in front of you.
"Nothing Y/N! Nothing at all–! I was just having a lovely little chat with my coworker."
His claws released their shoulders and they quickly scurried away to the front counter.
Eclipse turned and grabbed your coffee, presenting it was a delighted smile.
"Made it early again, and just how you like! E-Even with some...almond milk added because I know it's your favorite!"
You took the cup suspiciously, giving a small and nervous grin.
"Come now! Let's sit down and chat, right?"
He leads you over to that same booth from yesterday and as you sit down you suddenly remember something.
"Wait one second- I forgot to give your coworker something-! Be right back."
You spring up and make your way to the counter where the clerk stood, looking scared out of their mind.

"Hey! I found something in my purse that didn't belong to me, I'm assuming it was missplaced at the party, could you return it to them for me?"
You set your bag on the counter and start to dig around for something.
"Uh– Y/N....now is not really the time– I need you to get away from me."
They whisper rather hastily, shoving your bag to the edge of the counter. They knew Eclipse was watching, not wanting to find out what would happen...
"Wha- why? Did I do something wrong? I didn't get too drunk at the party last night, did I–?"

Eclipse shot a menacing glare at his coworker from across the room, clenching his fist on the table and leaving claw marks in it's path.

"Y/N PLEASE JUST...just go."
You frown, placing the missplaced item on the counter and gathering up your bag.
"Fine. I don't know what's gotten into you two today... Just return it when you have the chance, please."

The animatronic grinned happily when you returned to the table and sat down.
"You should drink your coffee, it's been completely untouched since I handed it to you..."
"I'm not really thirsty... I do want to know what your problem is, though."
"I don't have a problem, now drink."
He nudged the cup closer to you, but you pushed it away.
"Clearly you do have a problem! You think I'm just gonna glaze over the fact that I walked in to see you pinning your coworker to the wall? They were clearly in pain, and now they don't want to talk to me! What did you say to them?"
Eclipse brought his fist down onto the table, the coffee cup nearly falling over.
"I DIDN'T SAY SHIT, ALRIGHT? It's none of your business what happened, and you're gonna stop asking about it, got that?"
You sighed and grabbed the coffee, standing before making a quick exit of the now silent shop.
"Y-Y/N— wait-!"
Fuck. There goes his chance of asking you out.

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