💚 Warm~ (pt3) 💚

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I was requested by a few to make a part 3, I didn't know people were waiting for one! I would've made it sooner!
As I slid out of bed I nearly collapsed to my knees, body weak and sore from that Moon mer's rough treatment. The more I thought about yesterday, the more I realized how upset Sunny will be... I disobeyed his request to stay away from the water, then got my guts rearranged by who I assumed was his relative.

I wobbled my way to the kitchen after struggling to get dressed, making a bowl of cereal then sitting down on my couch to eat. I turned to look out the window occasionally, having a lovely view of the clear and sparkling water in the sunlight. Did I even have enough energy to go out and see Sun today? He'd be sad if I didn't...sigh.

Once my bowl was empty I tossed it into the sink and slipped on my flip-flops, turning the door handle and stepping out into the blazing Sun. Despite the fact that it stormed the day before, it was surprising blistering outside. I quickly made my way down the small cliff and to the shore, mist from cold water flying up and spritzing my body. I hesitated before shouting out.
No response-?

I yelped, my feet being swept out from under me as a webbed golden hand wrapped around my ankle and yanked. I fell back against the sand with a thud before getting pulled into the refreshing water. Sun's ray-like fins peeked out of the water, then his entire face.
He chirped, seemingly ecstatic to see me.
I smiled back at him, wrapping my arms around his scrawny neck as we floated freely in the water now. His face suddenly turned grim, hands sliding nervously across my arms and legs.
"Moon didn't hurt you, did he? DID HE?..."
Oh shit. So he does know....

I shook my head slowly, ignoring the scratchy feeling of my throat and the bruises and claw marks on my lower half.
"Are you lying? You would tell me if he did anything that harmed you, right??"
He purred with worry, fingers slipping beneath the fabrics of my clothes, leaving no inch untouched, checking if I had a bad reaction to any of the spots he pressed on. I held back any unpleasant whines, especially when he rubbed circles against my lower back and hips. I didn't want him to worry, and I certainly didn't want to cause any drama between him and Moon, that definitely wouldn't end well...

Speak of the devil, my eyes caught sight of shimmering silver scales swimming in our direction. Sun must've noticed my gaze because he immediately turned around.
The spines on his back rippled and stood up in a defensive manor, claws tensing and poking into my skin. Moon emerged from the surface, his red eyes locking with mine.
"Awh~ has my little Starfish come back for part two~?"
He dared to swim a foot closer before Sun's tail lifted and thwacked him across the face.
Moon hissed and clicked angrily, tail thrashing in zthe water beneath him.

"She's not your's! I found her first! MY TREASURE! MINE."
"I haven't heard you rage like this since you were a guppy. Why don't you grow up already so we can settle this like mature mers."
Sun's grip on me tightend and I released a small eep.
"Or how about we just let Y/N choose for herself~?"
Moon swam in a small circle around us, twice before stopping a few feet away.
Sun chuckled and shook his head, narrowing his milky white eyes.
"Hah! As if she'd ever choose you!"
I squirmed, feeling rather uncomfortable now.

I really didn't want to see them fight, mostly because they could hurt eachother very badly. But if I were being honest, seeing eacher argue over me... it was kinda arousing.
"I'll tell you my opinion if you p-put me down-"
Sun apologized and relinquished his rough hold, swimming me over the the shore and setting me down.
I sighed contentedly, brushing sand off my shorts and tightening my soaked bra.
"Now, Sunshine, tell him that I'm the better one."
"Well what exactly am I rating you on? Looks?"
"How about, who's better at sex~? Who's bigger in width and length.."
Moon smirked devilishly, elbowing Sun in the side.
"Ow! Hey! "

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