💚 Warm~ (p2) 💚

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~Y/N's POV~

As I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I had nearly forgotten my encounter with the handsome mer. The mer that made me whine so desperately...
I smiled and blushed a bit, standing up to get dressed. I threw on a tanktop and shorts, just like yesterday. The weather outside wasn't as warm though, it was rather chilly, and made my arm hairs stand on end. Despite the weather, nothing was gonna stop me from meeting the mer once again. I climbed down the same rocky ledge, sliding down into the sand. I wasted no time, skidding down the beach and to the shore. Sun was already there, swimming back and forth in the shallow water with a terrified look on his face, his blank eyes clouded with fear.
As I reached the shoreline, I nudged sand in his direction, catching the mer's attention.
Sun waved his hand towards me and stopped pacing, trying to hide the worried look that he'd shown a minute ago.
"Is everything okay Sunny-? You seem... very frantic today...–"
I lowered down onto the moist cold sand, tilting my head at him.
"Sun- Sunny, you're shouting. Calm down, would ya'?..."
He backed away, the fins around his face shriveled and flattened to his head.
"I-I'm sorry... Just a little... on edge.."
He glanced backwards towards the ocean, expression unrecognizable.
"Can you tell me what's wrong?"
I extended a hand out to him and he excepted the gesture, allowing me to run my small fingers around his face.
Sun purred and chirped, leaning into the touch.
I questioned.
He sat up, dragging himself more out of the water, his tail still floating behind him.
"It's... It's nothing.."

~Sun's POV~

I need to keep her away from the ocean...
Moon could show up any second- and who knows what might happen to poor Y/N if he gets his hands on her...
"Are you sure?"
I nod, scooting her back a bit.
"Okay...? What do you want to do today?"
"Hmm... I was thinking maybe I could show you some of the cool things I've collected-!"
I suddenly remembered all of the fun seashells and funky pieces of metal that I had found.
But I'd have to travel back home to get them...
"Aw! That sounds great!"
I bit back a mouthful of guilt... She really wants to see my treasures, but if I leave her here alone...
"... Okay! I'll go and get them... I guess..."
She was about to speak, but I grabbed her shoulders firmly before she could.
"I'll go get them, if you promise to stay away from the water."
"Uhm- o-okay-?"
"You promise? Pinky swear?"
"I pinky swear, Sunny, I won't go near the water."
She mumbled.
I really need her to understand that it'd be dangerous... but I won't let her know about Moon... what if she chooses him over me?
I can't let that happen... She's mine.
I turn swiftly, glancing back once last time, before diving down into the dark murky water.

~Y/N's POV~

I stand up and start walking to the far side of the beach, away from the ocean.
"Sun's been acting so weird today... What happened last night that spooked him so much?"
I'd question myself, kicking some sand out of boredom.
"It's just water, I don't understand what's so
'ScArY' about it!"
Suddenly a rumbling sound came from overhead, dark clouds starting to form.
"Well fuck-"
I should probably get inside, but what about Sunny? He'll be heart broken if I don't say bye.
I traveled back to our meeting spot, edging down the shore and slightly stepping into the water. I raised my hands to my mouth and shouted his name.
Of course he couldn't hear me, dumbass, he's underwater...
I began to step back, but my ankle was suddenly grabbed and pulled out from underneath me. The sand gave away beneath my body as I slid into the water.
The mysterious large hand quickly pulled me closer to the drop-off of the shoreline, the shallow waters becoming deep and reaching up to my neck. I kick and thrash, turning to grab at the sand behind me. It was no use. The dark ocean seemed to engulf my entire body, til' I took my last breath and was yanked under.
Everything went dark for a moment, then I looked down to see many bioluminescent creatures and plants lighting up the ocean floor. Though I could not see who was dragging me, I could still feel myself being pulled down. Further and further.
My lungs began to throb, my heart beating heavily as my body was threatening to shut down. I jolted one last time, then felt it all go numb. My head fell back as final bubbles exited my mouth...

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