🤍 Boyfriend 🤍

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Every day, you were late for work. And this wasn't much of a big deal for you, but it was for Sun and Moon.

As you entered the daycare, Sun immediately crowded you with hugs and questions.
"Why are you late?"
"What happened Sunshine??"
"Are you okay!?"
"Yes, Sunny... I'm fine..."
He grabbed your hands and held them gently in his.
"Are you sure? You sound tired and upset... What's wrong Sunshine?"
Your voice was a bit scratchy, and you were extremely tired. But lack of sleep wasn't your reason for being late and drowsy...
"M-My boyfriend..."
Sun's eyes fell to stare at the ground, and his hands tightened around yours. You had never really talked about your boyfriend, so they didn't know what to think of him. He and Moon have had a crush on you since day one, but they knew you already had a significant other, and never confessed. Finally he looked back up into your gaze and noticed that you were now tearing up, your nose turning pink along with your cheeks. Your voice cracked as you quickly apologized and started sobbing, turning your face away in embarrassment. Sun frantically brought you in for a close hug, rather confused. . You sobbed into the ruffle collar around his neck, pulling him closer.
"I-I-I'm sorry S-Sunny...I just..."
"It's okay Sunshine... let it out.."
After a few minutes of sniffling, your crying came to a slow stop, and you let go of Sun.
He was sad to feel your embrace fade away, but he was also determined to find out what had made you so upset.
"Will you... Will you tell me what's wrong, now? I can help you feel better, just talk to me, Sunshine.."
He held your hands once more, partly to help calm you, but also to be close to you again.
"My boyfriend... He wanted me to drive him to the movies because he has no car, but I told him that I had work to go to.... I c-can't keep being this late.. he got upset with me... A-And when I tried to leave, he..."
You whined, tears welding up.
"H-He grabbed my wrist and hit me..."
Oh no.
Sun narrowed his eyes, staring at nothing for a long moment.
Then he abruptly pulled you into his arms, holding tightly as if you'd disappear if he let go for too long.
"Stay here tonight, Sunshine..."
You didn't even question, you just nodded your head.
"We'll keep you safe. We promise."
Sun ran his long fingers thoughtfully through your hair before looking down into your tired gaze, smiling softly.
"How about I let Moon out? He'll lay you down for a nice nap... and when you wake up, this'll all be over, hmm?"
His voice was so soothing, you couldn't possibly say no. He swiftly paced over to the light switch, you still in his arms, and flicked it. The lights dimmed out, and the warm sunny animatronic carrying you before, had changed into the cold chilly embrace of Moon. He'd connect the wire apon his back, and before you could blink, you were up in their bedroom, on a pile of plush pillows.
"Sleep tight, little lamb..~"
Moon whispered softly into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
Then he left, and you drifted into a peaceful slumber.

We can't let her go back.
Obviously, but she can't just stay here forever...
Why not? We'll care for her, more than he ever has!
... true...
I'll contact the authorities... they might not do much, but it's worth a shot. And if it doesn't work, I will track him down myself and gut him.
Normally, Sun would disagree with this kind of stuff... but for you, he'd do anything.
Alright then, it's settled.

Aw a lil angsty chapter :)
Smoon? Mun?... Idek

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