Forthwith, I walked to Deva mama's house where everyone was hunched up, and announced to them about mama's arrival at night and also his wish to settle the issue directly in person and not through phone. They didn't question back and just floated in their misery. All the elders have been undergoing way too much stress these days.

As mama said so, problems are sticking up one after another endlessly.

At noon, we youngsters coerced our elders to have lunch and consoled them...asking them to trust Deva mama. I circulated the truth of the girl being Deva mama's mere friend whom he treats as his little sister to my cousins and they were supportive of him...

However, convincing the elders seemed risky. They were hell-bent on confronting Deva mama before coming to any closure.

With apprehensiveness, I await till the noon saunters away and dusk walks in. Precisely at 5.25 pm, Deva mama appears in his home where I was dotting for his arrival. My heart blossomed with invisible flowers as I watch his form move forward inside the home.

The elders had gone to their respective dwellings to rest after the lunch and Deva mama's parents were also in their room.

Hence so, I was alone with him right now. Decked in a light blue button-up shirt and black pants...he seems and smells divine and afresh although he has traveled for hours. Then I notice the vibhuti (sacred ash) on his forehead and I presumed that he had visited the temple before getting here.

"Thamara.." he drops the backpack on the couch and approaches me. His heavenly scent lurks around me as I let myself be engulfed in his embrace. 

Just then, we heed footsteps advancing and I hurriedly separate from him as my parents, aunts, few uncles, and cousins gather inside.

"Wake up them go," my mom ushers me towards the room where his parents are slumbering and I nod as I rush to the said place.

As soon as I awaken his parents, I felt despair upon seeing their sorrowful faces. But this has to happen...only then they could be in peace.

Henceforth, when everyone looms around Deva mama, my mother booms first. "Explain Deva...did we all raise you to have you bring shame to us?" I fiddle with my fingers nervously at the angered look on her face.

"Athai, how could you even that your upbringing may go wrong? Believe me athai, Iniya has played this plot to stop my marriage with Thamara," Mama says in a confident tone that has everyone's expression change into one that of confusion.

It is understandable why the elders are having a hard time in believing Deva mama. It is because of that photos and that girl.

"Then who is she with whom you were..." Kathambari aunt makes a disgusted face.

"She is like my little sister Athai. If you do not believe, just check my mobile. I have saved her name as 'Lali sis'," He provides his phone after swiping it a few times to his mother and other members.

The faces that had the mien of unsureness were now being substituted by a more calmer one.

Good going Deva mama!

"No Deva...even If you consider her as your little could you allow a girl to behave with you in such a way..." My mother grimaces.

"We agreed to wed Thamara to you 'cause we were of the thought that no other good alliance would come her way! We trusted you Deva...we felt grateful when you accepted Thamara as you protected her from facing the possibly extremely ugly talks about my daughter. Yet now that I think about it, I feel it's unfair to entrust my daughter to you who keeps on entangling with girls! Firstly it was Iniya and now some random girl. My daughter deserves someone who will genuinely love her and be loyal to her Deva and not someone who approved to wed her merely out of pity. Let's end this Deva..."

Mother's comment left everyone's mouth hanging open in surprise. I wasn't anticipating things to take this quick turn either! But Deva mama stands sanguine...

"Did I ever say out loud that I endorsed to marry Thamara out of sympathy!?" Well, that leaves my mouth parting in shock too.

"I know I might sound plain stupid but I have always loved Thamara. And it was too late when I wanted to ask her hands to marry me. By that time, she was already betrothed to Velu..." Goosebumps cover my skin as everyone watches Deva mama with astonished gazes...processing what he had confessed.

"Deva...why would you date Iniya If you were in love with Thamara? Do we appear as fools to you?" My mom throws a furious look his way.

"As I already said Athai. It was too late when I realized my love for her," He then glances towards his mother.

"I respect and love my mom the most in this world and If you don't believe my words still athai, I will swear on my mother to prove my genuineness," and that did the magic of soothing my mother.

Mom then continues to peek at Deva mama expectantly and mama nods positively in return...

And then the whole ordeal came to an end, finally!

I felt myself being submerged in unexplainable happiness as after a few moments of discourse...everyone parted ways. They haven't strongly decided to conduct our marriage yet but I'm contented with how things turned out and I vow that I, this Thamara (lotus) belong to none but the Deva(a divine being) himself! 

Later at night, mama messaged me to meet him in the coconut grove, and post the dinner, when my parents settled to doze off, I stayed awake to slip out carefully.

Right when the clock dings 11.30, I sneak out of my home and rush to the coconut grove. The night sky showcased the full moon brightly and with the help of the luminouscence, I stroll to my destination.

Deva mama stands slanting against a tree and I dash towards him and hug him from behind, feeling delighted like never before.

"Mama..." I smile, wrapping my hands around his torso tightly. He undoes my hand and swirls to me, cupping my cheeks and peeping into my eyes, endearingly.

"Thamara, close your eyes," I instantly obey without double-thinking, assuming that he's going to plant his lips on mine. Instead, he begins to speak, "I'm not certain If what I was about to do would be to your liking Thamara. But I can't take any more risks with you. I love you and I can't lose you," and with that I feel his hands excusing themselves from my cheeks. Why is he suddenly talking so sentimentally?

Seconds later, his hands' brushes across my neck and I was not dumb to have not interpret what is transpiring at the moment...

Yet I just freeze disbelief. Is this what I think it is!?

"Open your eyes Thamara," As I unlock my eyelids, it naturally flees down to gaze at my chest where now a Thaali (nuptial chain) rests.

My heartbeat quickens as I come to terms with the situation. Calm down Thamara...

Gulping, I perk up at mama's soft gaze. I wasn't angry at him, neither was I sad. I feel overwhelmed.

Too much has occurred in just a day.


His LotusDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora