"I'm sorry the place is a bit messy, I thought you'll be coming over dinner time. We were just about to clean up." I face him.

"It's fine Suho. It's not even that messy." I said.

"Have a seat?" He guide me to the couch. I put my things on the table before I took a seat. He sat at the single couch. "How are you?" He started that made me look up to him.

"Suho, I'm sorry." I said. He smiled at me.

"You're not the only one at fault Joo." He said. "I had my flaws too."

"But still, I'm sorry. You wanted to fix it." I look down. "but I chose to run away and hide."

"and that's fine." I thought he would question me or what. "I understand." He has always been a good person, when I met him. "It's in the past already Joohyun. Through those years, I've grown to understand why you did it. I'm sorry too. I wasn't able to stand up for you and protect what we had."

"We were still too young and weak at that time." I said Then he chuckled.

"We were."

"But I had no regrets at all." He look at me. "Those times still made me happy." He nodded.

"me too."

"How's your relationship with your parents?" She chuckled.

"You asked like you haven't talked to my mother." He got me. "I know your father already told you I already cut ties with them and I'm glad I did. It's not something to be proud of because they're still my family, but what they were doing was too much already that I needed to walk away too." Then I realized... "That's why I understand you Joo."

"I--" I was about to speak up when I heard cries. Suho suddenly stands up

"Excuse me." He said and walk to a room. He went back out carrying a baby in his arms. Right! I remember. "I'm sorry." He said apologetically and walk to their kitchen. He came back to the living room holding a baby bottle on his left hand feeding the baby in his arm. I smiled at the sight. He's gonna be a great father.

"You're a father now." I said to him. He proudly nodded.

"I am." He said.

"I'm happy it turned out well for you." I said to him.

"How about you Joo? Is this person making you happy?" I look at him surprised. He knows? Did he saw me in the news? I mean most of it are from Korean news outlets only. Dumbass! Seulgi's famous internationally! "I just took a guess." He said that made me stop from my thoughts. "You're here to ask me for a divorce, I figured you have someone already. I know you Joohyun, you won't be here if you don't."

"Why didn't you initiate the divorce, yourself, when you met your girlfriend?" He smiled at me. "I know you had contact with my Dad. You know I wouldn't go against it, if it was what you wanted."

"I know, but I don't want face you if you're not ready yet. It takes time to heal and giving you time is the least thing I could do, after everything you went through." I can't help but smile, thankfully.

"Thank you Suho, but wasn't it unfair for your girlfriend?" I couldn't help but ask. Even Seulgi doesn't like the thought of it at all, given how much assurance I gave her already.

"It was and I assured her every single day that passed. I'm lucky she still stayed, until this day comes."

"I'm really happy for you."

"and me for you too, Joo." He look at the envelope on the table. "Is that it?" I nodded.

He walk over to me. what he said next shocked me.

"Do you... Can you hold her for me?" What? He suddenly laugh at me.

"YAH! Kim Suho!" I said to him. I shake my hands.

"Come on! It's not like it's your first time. Who knows? you'd want one after carrying her."

"No! I might drop her." I said to him.

"You won't. Just sit there and entertain her, while I check and sign the papers." He said and end up giving me his daughter.

"Oh God." I said as I gently adjusted her in my arms. I held her bottle of milk. Suho's still laughing.

"It's my first born, don't squeeze her too much." He got the envelope on the table and sit beside me.

"Who said I'm squeezing her?"

"You pinch or squeeze every cute things you see." I glared at him, before looking down at his daughter. "She is cute." I smiled looking at her.

"Of course, she have my genes--aww!" I kicked his feet. Somehow, I feel comfortable already.

"Where's her mother?" I asked him.

"Oh! She just went out to buy something, she'll---" Just before he can finish the front door opened. We both look up and see a woman who I think was just about my age too with Seulgi. What confused me is they look close. What?

They both look to our direction. The woman's eyes landed on the baby in my arms.

"OH! She woke up already?" She put down the paper bag she was carrying and went over to me. She sit to my other side and check the baby. "You look like you're enjoying being carried by this beautiful lady here." I look at her when she said that. "Hi." She smiled genuinely at me, before looking back at her daughter

"Am I dreaming?" Suho suddenly said. We look at him. He's still looking at the person standing near the front door. "The famous Seulgi is in my house."

"You're not Hon. I happen to see her outside, she said she's waiting for someone that's why I invited her inside." Suho look at her in disbelief.

"And she agreed?"

"Remember when I told you I personally know a famous singer?"

"The one you said you almost dated that time you were still attending Uni?" Wait, What?! I turn to look at the person who's still standing.

"Yes! It was her. Don't just stand there bear! Come sit." I was just eyeing her. BEAR!?

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