Chapter XIX

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Seulgi's POV

"Where are we going?" She asked for the nth time already. I just ignored her. "SEULGI!"

"In a place where you can't run and hide from me again." I can sense her pause at what I said.

"I didn't hide from you, Seulgi." This time she said it in a calm tone.

"It feels like it, Hyun, and I don't like it. I don't like it that I couldn't see you, call you, find you. I don't like it that I still have to wait for you to come back here to apologize for the things I said to you, when I know I can fly to wherever you are around the globe." I stopped the car when we arrived to our destination. I then face her.

"Seulgi you don't need to apologize, you were right. What I was asking for you was a bit too much and your reaction was valid." I shake my head at what she said.

"No. I should've let you speak first. I should've listened to what you had to say that time, instead of reacting so harshly." She took in a deep breath.

"If that's really what you think you need to do, then apology accepted Seulgi." she said. I don't know why but I really expected her to get angry at me since she was badly against the idea in talking to me. "So can we go back to the city now?" I guess she just said it so she can go home already.

I removed my seatbelt and went out of the car. Soon enough I heard her side of the car opened up. I directly walk and enter the reception area. I was greeted with the staffs there.

"Welcome back Miss Seulgi. Here's your room key." This is a resort I always go to, to unwind. It's not a place where I could not be recognized but most people here tend to not care. If people do recognize me, it's fine.

"Thank you." I turn around expecting the person I'm with will just be behind me but she was not. I look around only to met her set of eyes glaring at me. She's standing in the corner with her phone placed on her ear, looks like she's in a call with someone.

I walk to her direction. Her eyes widen as she realized I was getting closer to her.

"Seulgi can't you see the people here? and you're-- what are you doing?" I reach for her hand and intertwine it with mine. "Seulgi, someone might see..."

"I know you can take care of it." I pulled her and started to walk our way to the stairs.

"You know what happened the last time I did it, Seulgi. You hated me." She said.

"Then just let them see us." I said. I did notice a few eyes on us, as we're walking.

"Seulgi, please." I stopped when I heard her say that in a whisper. I face her.

"I'll take care of it." I assured her. I lead us to my space here. As soon as we entered the room she spoke.

"Seul I need to go back. I have a meeting with--"

"I'm sure it can wait." I said. I walk directly to the fridge to get some water. When I face her, she's already looking at me in disbelief.

"You're acting really selfish right now, Seulgi. I have work! It's an important meeting, I have to be there!"

"And if I want to be more selfish?" She froze hearing what I just said. "I just wanted to talk--"

"And we already did! You apologize and I forgave you!" She said as she ran her finger through her hair, out of frustration.

"I want to talk about us. I--"

"There's no us, Seulgi, and there never will be. I know that now, so please can we just end this talk now. I need to go." I run and held her wrist to stop her.

"You asked me to wait and I did." I said weakly this time.

"You also made it clear before I left Seulgi. You don't want it." she tried removing my hold but I can't just let her go now.

"I know and I'm sorry. I want it now, I want to be with you." I went down on my knees. I can't believe that I'm really doing this now.

"We can't, I'm sorry." That's when my hold loosens she successfully removed my hand. She was about to walk away.

"Why? Why can't we?" I was just looking down keeping my tears from falling.

"You're a public figure Seulgi." I look up surprise at her reason. "I can't stain your name." What? I stand up realizing what's really happening here.

I walk to where she is, next thing I know I pulled her in and kissed her. She was trying to push me at first but I didn't let her budge me at all, she soon gave in.

We only pulled away from each other when we ran out of breath already. The moment she opens her eyes and meet with mine she then pushed me.

"Why did you do that?!" she said.

"I don't care if my name will be ruined. I just want to be with you."

"I already told you, we cant!" she raised her voice at me.

"Damn it Hyun! We can keep this private if you want. If you don't want to be seen or known by the public, we can work it out. Just please let's give it a try?" I tried reaching to her but she just avoided every chance I get.

"W-we can't." she's already crying now. I want to hold her but she just won't let me.

"Why?!" I can't hold back my tears now.

"Because I'm still married, Seulgi!" I froze

"W-what? but I... I thought... I thought" I stutter.

"I'm still married." she covered her face with both her hands. Her tone expresses disappointment. "I badly want for us to try but we really can't Seulgi, not when I'm still tied with someone else.

You're living your dream that you worked and fought so hard for to achieve. I won't let you lose it because of me. So please Seulgi don't do this." she look at me looking straight to my eyes.

"What happened there?" I feel like asking it. I can feel it, something happened.

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