Chapter III

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Seulgi's POV

"Thank you." she nodded. She let go of my hand and face my Dad again.

"I'm sorry for disturbing your talk with Dad. My sister's just gone hysterical as soon as she heard that Seulgi's performing at the event she refuses to attend to." she look at me smiling. "She's a huge fan." I just stare at her.

I came to my senses when Uncle suddenly came back.

"I'm so sorry, I had to get that." He faced me. "Seulgi, can I have a favor to ask?" I just nodded at him. "Do you have free time this weekend?"


"Can we adjust some of her schedules? my daughter's about to disown me." He asked my dad, he's still my boss afterall.

"She's in her break. She doesn't have any schedule lined up as of now." Dad answered that shocked me. How sure is he that I don't have something going on? It's not like he check all their artist's schedule, or does he?

"I'm currently working on something, but I can make time." I said.

"Thank you, Seulgi."

"No problem, Uncle."

"Joohyun, why don't you give your contacts to Seulgi so that we can contact her." I look at Uncle in shock. WHAT THE HELL!? Is this a miracle?

"Oh, okay." She handed me her phone, that I gladly took. I put on my contact details and give it back to her. "I'll just text you after I talk to my sister."

Please talk to her soon. Just that I heard her giggle that made me look up to her,confused.

"You're cute." She said to me before facing our parents. "If you'll excuse me, I have to talk to someone." She bowed before she left.

"Uncle! How come you never introduce me to your daughter?" I faced him. Uncle just chuckled.

"Seulgi." father called me out. I look at him and he's shaking his head. When did I ever do something right for him after I chose this path? A way to ruin my mood.

"Can I exit this party early?" I asked them. Dad look at me with disappointment visible in his eyes.

"You can, Seulgi." Uncle said. He always help me get away from my strict father.

Uncle B is my father's best friend. He had always came and visit our home when I was still a child. All I know that time is his family is living off in the states and he'll just travel back and forth from here to visit his children and wife there. Him and my father are also business partners, whenever he visited our home he'll play with me as he waits for Dad. Growing up he is one of the people that I really look up to. He's just so chill and doesn't look and act like Dad who is always serious. But my Dad's okay, I mean more than okay, he's amazing actually. He supported me in all the things I do, not until I surprisingly became an Idol without him knowing.

"Just let her. She's a grown up, she knows what she's doing." Uncle said.

"Thinking about it now. You spoiled her more than I did, when she was still a child. Maybe I should blame you for making her too carefree to make up the decisions she made now." Dad said. How can he say that!?

"Hey! Don't act like you didn't thank me for making time for your daughter because you couldn't." Uncle said that made me surprise a little bit. I look at my father and uncle suddenly laugh before facing me. "Your Dad loves you in whatever decisions you make in life, Seulgi. Don't ever get those harsh words you got from him get into your head. Okay?" Uncle patted my shoulder. I look at my father who seemed to be avoiding my gaze. "You can go now." I nodded at uncle.

"Thank you." I said to him. He smiled as a response. I face Dad. "Dad, I'll go straight to the company." I said. This time he face me.

No matter how hard I try to read my father's thoughts deeply, I just couldn't get through and that's why I just choose to believe in what ever feelings he acts out.

"Ask your manager to drive you there." He said.

"I will." I hugged him before I walk back to the backstage, where I left my manager.

"Manager-nim!" I called for her, but I don't think she's still here. My stuffs aren't here anymore too. I dialed her number.

"Seulgi? I just brought your stuff in the car, I'm about to go back inside. Do you need something?" She asked me.

"No! Don't comeback here anymore. Can you just drive the car in the entrance? I'll go to the company." She said okay. I walk my way out of the hall, as I was about to go out already someone called me.

"Seulgi! Leaving so soon?" I turn to face her. She walks her way to me.

"I'm not really into this type of parties." I explained. She was about to say something when someone shouted

"Irene!" Irene? A guy coming to our direction. I look at how she forcefully close her eyes, as soon as she opens it I was surprised to see irritation written in it. She turn around and face the guy.

"Is there anything you need, Bugom?" Her voice sound not so irritated that shocked me. How can she hide it?

"Actually no. I just..." He look at me as if he's asking me to leave. Huh? You're the one interrupting our talk. why would I leave?

"Just?" Joohyun asked. I'm closed to laughing already at the sight of this guy, almost glaring at me already.

"I suppose I should go." I said that mad Joohyun turn to me so quickly. Her face this time looks so desperate for help. I smiled. She doesn't want to be left alone with this guy. "My manager is waiting for me outside already." I saw how her head went down low. "Let's go?" I said that made her look back up at me. I look at the Bugom guy. "If you'll excuse us?" I reached for her hand and held it. We walk out of the venue not saying a thing anymore to the guy.

As we reach the waiting area my manager was already there.

"I should go." I let go of her hand and suddenly it felt empty. I face her. "you should go back in--" she cut me off.

"Can I go with you?"

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