Chapter XVI

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Seulgi's POV

After that night, I never got in touch with Hyun again. I just didn't know what to say to her even if I wanted to. It's been weeks now and I still think about all of the thing she had said that night. I know for myself I did the right thing. I mean, why would she even ask me to not move on from my feelings and confess that she likes me, when she just literally said that she's married?

"Seulgi." I look at the person who just called me.

"Dad?" I waited for him to speak. He's just looking at me. He shake his head and close the folders he was just holding.

"Are you okay?" This time I'm surprise to see a worried look from him. In the past weeks, I get to spend more time with him, since he's the one basically training me.

"Dad, Am I really worthy of this? Can I really manage this by myself?" He suddenly chuckled at what I'm asking.

"You're not alone, Seulgi. And who else do you think is more worthy than my own daughter?"


"I'm just saying, this is meant for you from the very beginning Seulgi."

"You're not too harsh now that I'm working up here now." I decided to open that up. I notice him pause for a moment there. It's like the father I had before just came back.

"I'm sorry." He said next that surprised me. I can't help but smile. I stand up from where I'm sitting and went up to him. I hugged him while he's still sitting.

"It's fine. I wanted to say thank you for not letting me quit being an idol too." I said. He tapped my arm. I pulled away.

"You didn't really thought I would make you do that right?" He turn to asked me. Huh?

"You just said you were not giving me a choice anymore." I said to him and he laugh.

"Since when did you start listening to me, when it comes to your life decisions?" What?!

"Yaaah! You're my boss! Of course I'll listen when talking about my career. Dad!!!" I whined. He just started laughing now. "I rushed an album and promotion for it!"

"And you did great, regardless." He said to me. I smiled.

My father has always been the supportive parent since I was a child. It just changed when I debuted as Idol. He started to become strict and never hide the way he dislike the career path that I was taking. But the fact that he still didn't stop me from doing it even if he had the power to, made me not hate him.

"Really? Then I'm going back to being a full time idol." I said to him, crossing my arms. He shook his head.

"No. It's time for the world to meet my daughter already." I squint my eyes.

"You're just introducing me to the world? You're not passing down the company to me already, right?" I questioned. He smiled.

"No." I sighed. "No, you're wrong." Huh? "By the end of the year I'm appointing you to be the CEO."

"What?! That soon?!"

"Soon? You still have a few months Seulgi." He said to me.

"Why are you even stepping down this early? It's not like you're that old already." I said as I sat back to the chair across his table.

"You're right. That's exactly the reason why I'm stepping down. I need to enjoy life, while I still can." Oh! "It's also time for the next generation to take over. I may not be that old yet, but there are things that only new generation now understand. It's what I think is best for the company." I laugh at the last thing he said.

"Just say you just want more time for your getaways with your friends." I said.

"We've been too busy for a few decades now. Don't you think it's time to relax already?" I shake my head smiling.

"Yeah. Yeah. I think you deserve it but still, watch out for me." I said

"You're my only daughter Seulgi. The only treasure I cherish most in this world. Of course, I'll be keeping my eye on you no matter what." I pouted hearing that from him.

"Are you making me cry, huh?" I told him. He just laugh again.

"By the way, Seulgi. I want to talk to you about something." He looked at me seriously now.

"What Dad?"

"Your Uncle Son told me about how Wendy ended up signing a contract here." Oh Snap! I look down expecting to be scolded already.

"Dad! It's not like I can't earn it again. It's just a billion. I'm still performing right? Plus I'm working up here now. I'm pretty sure I can---"

"What do you mean a Billion, Kang Seulgi?" I closed my eyes at the mention of my complete name. "You paid a billion for compensation?! Your own money?" I nodded just keeping my head down low. I sense him taking in a deep breath. "It was in Won right?" He asked.

"Dollars Dad."

"Oh God!" I look up seeing him massage his temple.

"It was my own money Dad---"

"Why?" He suddenly look up to me. "Why did you want to get Wendy?" I took a deep breath before telling him the truth.

"She's dating Sooyoung, Dad." I said that made him surprise.

"Mr. Park's daughter?" I nodded.

"I just thought it's safer for her if she's in our company. Both of them are important to me, Dad, and I know how this industry works. Once you got into a mess, it'll be too hard to redeem yourself again if the one's around you are the first persons to let you go." I said. Dad took a deep breath then nodded.

"You're lucky Wendy's really talented for the board to agree in getting her." I smiled. "Seulgi." She called my name seriously now. "I'm proud of you." He suddenly said. I glared at him, knowing all too well my tears are starting to form already.

He got a box of tissue from his drawer and hand it to me. I got some to use. I just heard him chuckle.

"What about you, Seulgi? Are you not dating anyone?" I look up to meet my Dad's curious face. I wish I can say a certain girl's name, that's been running through my head for weeks now but I know I can't. I shake my head.

"I thought you had something going on with Joohyun already." what? "You had a crush on her right? I saw the way you look at her that night Seulgi. Don't you dare deny it." I can't believe my Dad's talking like this.

"It's not like I had a chance Dad. She's married." I said to him. I thought he's gonna act out surprise about it but he didn't.

"I thought you were the reason why she finally decided to get divorce."

"What? What do you mean divorce Dad?"

"It sure took a lot of courage to face the person she's married to, after years of hiding from him." huh?

"Hiding?" Dad look at me, apologetically.

"Didn't she came to you before she went back to the states? How come you don't know any of this yet?" She came to me? "I was even wondering why showed yourself here the next day when she just asked permission, if she can take you with her."

"Dad she never asked me to go with her."

"I allowed her to bring you though. I just thought it'll be good if she had someone by her side, as she goes back to her past that hurt her so much." With those words from my father, I felt instant regret on how I treated her that night and how I reacted to the things she was saying. I should've listened to her first. "Seulgi."

"Dad. I think I made a huge mistake." I look up to my father, helplessly. Then I thought of something... "Can I borrow the private plane?" I stand up. Dad's looking at me, amused.

I need to see her. I need to speak to her. I need to go to her.


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