Chapter IV

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Seulgi's POV

"Huh? This is your party. Why would you leave?" She just smiled.

"You telling that guy that I'm leaving, is like telling the whole people inside that I'm leaving." She explained. Is that how it works?

"But uncle--"

"Dad's gonna be fine with it. So, where are you taking me Kang Seulgi?" She wiggled her brows. I just stare at her.

"Home." I answered. Her expression suddenly changed.

"What?" She asked just enough for me to hear.

"I'm taking you home." I saw how her eyes widen. Did I say anything wrong?


"Don't you want to go home?" I asked. She then looked at me like she's analyzing things. Next thing she did was laugh like she just realized things.

"Who wouldn't want to go home?" She smiled at me.

"I do." I said. She look up to me. "I'm actually leaving early for work." She nodded.

"Do idols not get rest?" She asked me, curiously.

"We do. I just choose not to, at the moment." I said

"Do you know where I live?" She asked me.

"I know where Uncle's house is, do you live there?" I asked her. She just look at me with an unreadable expression.

"You're really close with my father, aren't you?" She asked out of the blue.

"He is like a father to me too. He was the one there, when my father was too busy with work." I said to her. She then forced a smile. She then mumbled something I didn't catch on. "What?" I asked for her to repeat.

"I said yes. You can drive me at Dad's." She said to me.

"Let's go?" She nodded and we walk our way to the car, that's waiting for me already.

As soon as we entered the backseat, manager-nim was already looking at me suspiciously.

"Let's go to ***** first, before going to the company?" I said. My manager just nodded. I know for sure that once we're gonna be alone again she'll asked too much questions. Should I prepare my answers now?

The ride was silent, which I was not expecting. I caught a few of her yawning every few minutes, during our ride. She must've been too tired already.

When we arrived I went down with her.

"Thank you, Seul." She said.

"No problem, Joohyun. I see you again?" I said. She look at me in question.

"Again?" She asked. I nodded.

"The dinner, Uncle was asking?" I said.

"Oh no. It's actually for Jimin. I'm flying back to the states this weekend. I can't join the dinner." Ow... there goes my shot.

"You're still the one texting me, right?" I asked, hoping it's the case. Then she nodded. At least I'll have her number. "I'll be off?"

"Thank you again, Seulgi. It was nice meeting you." She said waving. I wave back then enter the front seat of the car.

Manager-nim then started to move out the car. I watch her as she entered their home.

"Seulgi." That made me face my manager. I hummed. "You know what you just did, right?" I look at her confused.

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