Chapter XVIII

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Seulgi's POV

"Unnie, I just wanted to say thank you again. But you shouldn't have interfered anymore." She suddenly spoke as we're here at the waiting area, still inside the car.

"Jimin, I don't tolerate bullying."

"It was my friend's mistake. She bump into her." So it was not her? Why was she the one...

"What they did was still not right." I said.

"What if this will affect you, unnie? They are still your seniors." she worriedly asked.

"Jimin, I'm partly managing the company now. It's not something to be worried about." I said to her.

"Right." she nodded.

"And with what Wendy had said to you earlier. You should take it to mind. You're not just anyone, Jimin. If uncle will know what happened there, even Dad, you already know how they will react." Jimin chuckled at that.

"You even reacted way too intense that shocked everyone there. I mean, who even am I to be protected by the great Seulgi!" she dramatically said that.

"Shut up." I said to her and she just laugh. She then suddenly stopped.

"Unnie." she called me seriously this time.

"Do you like my sister?" Jimin asked randomly. I just look at her for a few seconds before I nodded, confidently.

"Then why didn't you go with her?" she asked me.

"I didn't know. She didn't tell me." her brows furrowed.

"What?" she looks surprised at what I just said. She was about to speak more when her phone suddenly rang. She answered it. "Unnie? Yes, the white one. Wait! I'll go out." she said before she hang up.

She removed her seatbelt. I did the same and was about to go out when Jimin stopped me from opening the door.

"No! People might recognize you. You're not stepping out of this car, unnie." She said to me, before she went out.

I took a deep breath and just watch her. Then I saw the person I've been longing for. Jimin run excitedly at her. I can see that she was not alone. Jimin greeted the person she's with, in the same way she did to her sister.

I was just staring at her when Jimin suddenly opened the door.

"Unnie, open the back." she said and I did.

"Unnie?" I heard her curiously asked Jimin before Jimin closed the car door again.

They put their luggages at the back, Jimin helped them out. Then I panicked when I realized that Jimin was gesturing her to sit in front.

I was shuffling and tried to find something to cover up but it's already too late, she already opened the car door. I look up and meet her eyes, that looked so surprise to see me.

"Hi." I said. She didn't speak, still.

"Unnie just get inside already. Someone might see Seulgi unnie if you just stay there." Realizing that Jimin has a point she entered the car.

"Seulgi unnie?" I heard a new voice from the backseat. When I look at the rearview mirror my eyes meet the other person she was with.

"I'm sure you already know her." Jimin said to the girl beside her. "Seulgi unnie. This is Yeri unnie, our cousin." That explains why she had a little same features with them, specially with Joohyun. We exchanged greetings.

"The famous Seulgi is the driver you were talking about?" She asked Jimin, surprised.

My phone rang in the middle of Jimin answering her cousin. I look at it and saw it was my father. I answered it as soon as possible.

"Dad?" I felt her eyes on me.

"Where are you? Break's over, missy. I have a few minutes until the next meeting. Come here fas--"

"I don't think I can get there faster." I said.

"What do you mean?" He questioned me.

"I'm at the airport Dad." I said. He was silent for a minute. "Dad?" I called out again.

"I guess you already knew she was coming home." I was shocked hearing that.

"You knew?"

"I was about to tell you now. Oh well you're already there. You can finish your work here tomorrow. Let's just talk later at home. Okay?" He said to me.

"Okay, Dad. Bye" I then hang up. "Where are we heading?" I asked looking at the back and to her.

"Back to the company unnie." Jimin said that shocked me. I look back at her. "Yeri unnie wants to see where I'm training. So, can they?"

"Jimin, you know how strict the security is there. We need to ask for passes still, it usually takes a day for it to be approved and have one." I said to her.

"I know that unnie. That's why I already asked uncle for it. We'll meet his secretary at the entrance for Yeri unnie's pass." she said. Only Yeri's? "Irene unnie already have permanent pass." Oh. I look at her and this time she's just looking outside the car, seems like she's thinking of something.

"Okay then." I started the engine and drove back to the company.

We arrived at the company. I was just about to drop them off the entrance. Jimin and Yeri went down the car. Just before the person next to me to do the same I already spoke.

"Hyun, can we talk?" I notice her pause when she was about to open the door.

"There's nothing to talk about, Seulgi."   I locked the car door before she could open it. I heard her take in a deep breath, her back facing my direction. I then heard a click unlucking the door, but then again I locked it before she can open it. "Damn it Seulgi! Let me out!" She raised her voice, still not facing me.

I heard a loud beeping sound behind, realizing we're still in front of the entrance. Jimin and Yeri are already talking to Dad's secretary. When I heard a click again, I still did the same.

"SEULGI!" she shouted it this time along with the beeping and a knock on her side of the car by the security team of the company. I didn't bother explaining to the person outside the car anymore and just drove off. "Yaaah!"  I stopped the car when I heard her.  She's already looking at me in disbelief.

I leaned in myself to her side, it seems like she was surprise with my action.

"What are you doing?" she said. I just look at her. Our faces are a little too close already. I reach for the seatbelt and put it back on her. She release a sigh when I pulled away from her, back to my seat.

"We have a lot to talk about Hyun but before it all, I just wanted to say I missed you like crazy. So don't be surprise with my actions towards you, this time around." I said and this time I drove us away from the company.

I don't know until when is she not hiding again, but I'll take this opportunity to talk to her now. I'll make sure she wont be hiding away again, definitely not from me.

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