Chapter VII

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Seulgi's POV

I'm at my studio, in the company, at the moment. Thinking about when I entered the company earlier, all eyes were on me. I wasn't surprise anymore. Though it may not have reach the news, but the issue trended up until now. Being the one of the successful artists in the company, of course the employees are aware of what's happening to me. What's happening to me publicly will certainly affect the name of the company and the people in it.

"You sure about this, Seulgi?" One of my producers asked. I nodded. "What's with the hurry? I thought we're taking our time with this album."

"I don't have any more time." I said straight to the point, that shocked him. He sit up straight.

"What exactly is happening here?" He leaned in. "Is this to cover the issue you're in?" I just stayed silent. "Okay then. Let's say we were to release this album. But a week of preparation?! Seulgi! That would be impossible! Have you talk to your team about this yet?"

"My manager's talking to them at the moment." I said to him.

"The heads won't allow this. It's too rush." He said shaking his hands and standing up from his chair.

"They won't have a choice." I said that made him look at me in disbelief. He laugh.

"Seulgi, are you hearing yourself!?"

"I am and I need you to hear me out here." I said to him. "I'll release a music video and an album by next week. Promote it for another week. It's the least I could do for my fans before I quit."


"Can you help me choose my last songs?" I asked. He just stare at me, he froze.

"Seulgi, you still have 5 years in you contract. A planned tour for next year. What do you mean you're quitting?" He looked so troubled now.

He has been my trusted producer over the years. I get that he's surprise at my sudden decision.

"The company won't let you go. You will get sued. It would cost you a fortune, Seulgi." I laugh at what he's saying. "Do you think this is funny? I'm worried here."

"Oppa. I'll be fine." I assure him. "Let's do this?" I asked him again.

"What really is happening here? You love being an idol, Seulgi. Why would you even think of quitting?" He sat back on his chair and face me.

"You're right, I do love my career at the moment but it's not the career that's meant for me."

"Are you saying you're changing careers? Seulgi, you trained for years to be here and you're saying this is not what's meant for you?! Anyone would be so dumb to let the success you have go."

"I know."

"Then why are you quitting?"

"My father. He's--"

"Seulgi, I know your parent didn't like the idea of you being an Idol but don't you think this is too much? You worked hard for this. A lot of parents would be thrilled to have a child like you. You're so successful already. Is your father stupid or what?" I can't help but laugh hearing that. "What work does he want for you? An office job?" I nodded when he said that. "You'll exchange being an idol, to be stuck in an office? You're not even suited for that kind of job." The last thing he said made me stop.

"Excuse me?!" I said. He look at me.

"Let's be for real here, Seulgi. Did you even graduated college?" Now I feel insulted. I want to keep my calm because I know he doesn't know. "A lot of idols dropped out school to become a trainee--"

"And you think she's one those idols?" A voice suddenly cut him off. I look at my manager standing in front of the door. "How dare you say that to a person who finished her program at SNU and took her masters at Stanford." She said that without stopping.


"No! He needs to understand, that idols didn't become an idol because it's easier than going to college." She's just staring at him. "You should've not talk too much about Seulgi's decision. Now you're not looking like you're worried for her, you look like you're worried for yourself." Oh! This is going out of hand. "Scared not to have anymore hits, John?"

"Unnie stop!" I look at Oppa. He looked dumbfounded by what he just heard but soon he redeemed himself.

"Look, I'm sorry I said those things. I'm sorry I judge you. But you see, my point here is you're letting go of something that's already huge to start something new, just because your father tells you so?" Unnie looked at me. I know that she doesn't like the way Oppa is thinking right now but she knows she agrees to a part of it.

I know I love being an Idol and I fought for it tons of time already, but I also knew at the time my father step down, I know I had to stop fighting for what I chose. I knew at some point I need to quit, but I didn't know it would be this soon.

"Yes." I answered him, surely. I look at the both of them. "So, can we please just work on my album." I begged. Oppa just sighed and turn his swivel chair.

"The list of songs are already inside the booth, let's finish this all up." He said. I look at my manager who is now looking at me in worry. I smiled at her and went to the booth.

I know Oppa just said those words out of surprise, he didn't mean it.

It took us the whole day and night?

"And it's ready." Oppa said and look at me. "Will you really just give this all up, Seulgi?" I smiled.

"Cut it out, John." Unnie said behind me. Oppa an I turn to her.

"If Seulgi's quitting, I wonder where would that take you." Oppa said in a challenging way. Unnie just laugh.

"Oh! You don't have to worry about me, Honey. My life's fixed already." She said. "Who knows? I might turn out to be your boss." She said. Oppa laugh when he heard that.

"You? That'll only be possible if you're the child of the Chairman, which I highly doubt."

"Underestimating again huh?" Tiffany unnie crossed her arms and stare at a laughing producer. Next thing I heard was silent from oppa, when he realizes unnie's being serious.

"Y-you're...Shit!" He cursed at himself. He covers his mouth.

"I'm not, dumbass." she said. Oppa released a sigh of relief.

"Oh! I guess I really know nothing about you two, at this point." He said.

Unnie and I look at each other.

"Music's done. Now we wait if this will be approved."

"You don't have to worry, it's already approved." unnie said taht surprised him more.

"You girls are something else." He zhake his head.

Unnie look at me again.

"Music video recording starts the next day. Meeting with the creative team tomorrow at 10 to finalized the concept." She said.

"Unnie it's 3 am..."

"I haven't noticed. Let's get you home?" she told me. "You need at least an hour of sleep."

"There goes the start of your hell weeks." Oppa said.

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