Chapter 191 Jialin City

Start from the beginning

By daybreak, the floods finally receded.

When he could see the ground clearly, there was only ankle-deep water left on the ground.

The tamped ground has been soaked until it becomes soft. When you step on it, you will get mud every step of the way. You will walk with your feet up like you are pulling radishes from the mud in autumn.

When Lu Xu went out, the rain outside had stopped, and the whole yard and the county were stuck in yellow mud.

The host looked at the mess on the ground, feeling both the joy and fear of surviving the disaster, but also the helplessness of not knowing what to do. He almost wanted to cry without tears.

His family's condition was pretty good, but the old neighbor's house in the distance was damaged by floods, and the family's cries could be heard across the entire alley.

Lu Zhou looked over there, his face pale.

Lu Xu went to the stable to look at the mule. Fortunately, he piled all the quilts and mats on the box because he was worried that the quilts would be wet that day. They were not very wet now.

Inside the mule cart, the box was only wet to the bottom.

Lu Xu opened it and saw that the boxes containing clothes and shoes were wet.

Thanks to Yuan Manniang, the shoes were wrapped in oil paper and placed under the clothes, so the clothes on top were not wet.

Lu Xu cleaned out the mud from the entrance of the carriage, placed the wet mat on the roof of the carriage to dry, fed the mule some dry beans, and wiped the mud on its legs.

It must have been freaking out last night too.

Lu Xu checked the things, went to help the owner's house, fished out the things stuck in the mud, and then went to help the neighbor's house, carrying the injured neighbor to the hospital.

Medical clinics are overcrowded.

Old people and children who were frightened and had fever, people soaking in the rain and cold, people whose houses collapsed and were injured, people who fell and were injured while running to higher places...

Even the doctor's own face was covered in mud and bruises.

After working hard until the afternoon, Lu Xu was so hungry that she felt dizzy.

The owner's food was soaked, the firewood was wet, and the old lady at home was frightened and had a fever. Half of the people were busy taking care of the old lady, and the other half were busy sending the children to the high ground near the Yamen for refuge. No one cooked at all.

Lu Xu walked through the mud on the street and bought a large bag of buns from a bun shop next to the Yamen.

The height here is totally fine!

It's just that the price of a bun has increased from eight cents to twenty cents.

At this time, he didn't care whether the price increased or not. Lu Xu gnawed off one while walking and took the rest back to Lu Zhou and Yan Junqi.

The two of them are still helping the neighbors find things and taking care of the elderly and children.

When Lu Xu returned, the Yamen had already come over to ask people to repair the river embankment.

Except for the passers-by and accompanying companions who are going to Beijing to take the exam, everyone else has to go.

Yan Junqi looked very unhappy: "The official just came to inform me that the stone bridge completely collapsed last night. They will repair the suspension bridge on the 3rd and 5th to let the candidates pass."

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