Baby Pt. 12 - The Beginning of the End

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Cw: secret drugging

After a full night's sleep, BiBi picked up the highest dosage of melatonin that was sold in stores over the counter while ZaZa took care of breakfast. A fruity flavored bottle started the day in a good way after Whumpee's good night's sleep. They were led by hand to the play room where they were plopped in front of the television as ZaZa waited impatiently for BiBi's return.

Entering the home, BiBi saw the television on and shared their displeasure. "TV? Really? You couldn't even read to them?"

ZaZa sighed in frustration. "Don't look at me like that, I figured it would give us time to talk privately about the future."

The Whumpers sat at the kitchen table. After a moment of emotional silence, they both admitted they were in over their heads and couldn't handle much more.

Whumpee heard the quiet talking and began to call for BiBi and ZaZa. All attention needed to be on them. When no one answered, they began to cry out loudly for help.

BiBi and ZaZa looked at each other in annoyance. Never did they think the day would come when they regretted their actions. Never did they think they would regret having a Baby. Softening their looks after realizing this, they worked in tandem. One opened up some applesauce as the other crushed up some melatonin.

"Hiiiiii we brought you a snack!" They sat on the floor next to their Baby and fed the laced sauce to their captive.

Happy with their snack, they leaned back and smacked their lips as they watched the children's show that was playing.

BiBi and ZaZa tried to leave quietly but were quickly called out as the Baby was concerned where their attention was going.

"Oh, we need to go do laundry and keep the house nice. You stay here." BiBi lied.

Huffing with their arms crossed, they accepted their fate of loneliness. They were feeling tired anyway.

Tiptoeing around the house, the two called their friends in panic.

Relaying the information, the two experienced parents explained that the reliance on drugs ruined the Baby and that they needed to start fresh with discipline. That was the best parenting strategy.

Tearfully, BiBi and ZaZa agreed. It was time to get rid of their Baby.

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