Blankets and Basements pt 3

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Cw: non on drugging, kidnapping

Whumpee woke slowly, groggily, but without panic as they remembered where they were upon feeling the woolen blanket that they cocooned themself in. They rolled over and saw the granola bar and bottle of water and realized that seeing them was a mistake. They weren't in need until they saw what they couldn't have. 'If only I could remember who this person is.'

Whumpee tortured themself for what felt like hours on how they had met their captor, soon to be alleged romantic partner. Finally, they accepted that they wouldn't remember and accepted the fact that they would likely die in that little basement.

The door opened slowly and Whumper entered the small room. "So, have you had time to remember?"

"I did my best but I don't remember and I'm sorry. I know that our meeting was very important to you but I was not doing well at the time and I don't really remember much due to my depression. I'm sorry if that hurts you and I would understand if you would want to send me away," Whumpee hinted. Whumpee was hoping that if they played their cards right, they might be set free.

Of course, that didn't happen.

"Oh my poor Whumpee, why didn't you say something! I'll take such good care of you, you won't even remember that old life of yours."

Whumpee couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They were done. Inconsolable. Sobbing so hard they couldn't breathe.

"Whumpee, Whumpee it's ok! Please it will be ok! Stop crying! We haven't even begun your training, you have nothing to worry about yet. This is just a precaution until I can trust you. Once you prove to me that I can trust you, you can come out and see the house."

This piqued Whumpee's interest but they couldn't calm themselves down. They had had too much.

"Whumpee, I said calm down." Whumper was losing their kind tone with each second passing.

"Whumpee.. don't make me do this," Whumper warned.

Whumpee couldn't stop themselves. They were in hysterics. Whumper sighed and pulled a pill vial from their pocket. Shaking one out, Whumper seized Whumpee by the jaw and dropped the pill into the back of their mouth. Whumpee choked even more on the water that was then poured into their mouth. They fought weakly as they had no strength left.

Whumpee slowed and looked up at Whumper in as much alarm as they could manage.

"I told you to calm down. I wish you didn't have to do this to yourself, Whumpee, we really need to work on your emotional strength and coping skills. I only gave you one this time so you shouldn't sleep as long. I'll be back to see if you're ready to talk again. Maybe you could even come out if you're feeling up to it."

Whumper laid Whumpee down across the mattress and lightly tossed the blanket over them. Blue really was their color, Whumper thought. They would have to redecorate. For now, Whumpee needed to get over this fear and accept that this was just better. Whumpee wouldn't sleep as long this time so Whumper would keep a baby monitor on them just in case.

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