Jay pt. 2

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In this edition of Jay's story, I am updating Caretaker's name to Sam.

Cw: car crash, being watched by an organization

Getting in the car, a smile up to their eyebrows, Jay was feeling excited about this impromptu vacation. They hadn't gone anywhere fun since before they were conditioned. They think. They don't remember actually. So maybe this was their first vacation?

Sam didn't seem as excited, they seemed stressed but Jay figured that Sam would calm down once they arrived. Maybe it was the driving that had them concerned.

"Sooo where exactly are we going?"

"Oh. Um, I was figuring like, a road trip. We drive through a few cities, hit the beach and boardwalk, enjoy some scenery, does that sound ok?"

Jay nodded vigorously.

Stopping for gas, Sam seemed even more nervous than before. Jay didn't quite understand but then again, Sam was never a big people person so maybe they didn't want to talk to anyone as they ran inside for snacks.

Sam was in a panic. Do they leave Jay in the car or not? If they leave them, would the Organization steal them from the car? But if they took Jay in, would they see themselves on the news and learn the truth?

Sam took the chance of locking the car doors and running inside to grab food.

Returning, Jay seemed discomforted by something.

"Sam, I think that car is watching us."

Sam's heart rate about doubled, if that were medically possible.

"What car?"

Jay pointed out a dark car across the lot. Definitely a standard issue Caretaking Organization car.

"Well, let's drive a bit and see if they follow us."

Pulling onto the highway, Sam watched in the mirror as the car pulled on a few seconds later. Fuck. They were fast, the the Organization was just as fast when it came to repossessing people.

Sam sped up ahead and got to the front of a crowd of cars, knowing that the darker car couldn't get through. They snuck onto an exit and kept going but kept an eye on their mirrors to be sure they'd lost them.

"We need to call the police! Where's your phone?!"

"No no Jay, let's not bother them about one weirdo."

Jay looked extremely serious.

"You need to tell me what's going on."


"Sam, you're acting strange. That car was following us. We never do things like this. You don't act like this. You'd have called the police and the Organization by now in case it was Whumper in the car. What is going on?"

"Uh. Um. Ok. Look. The Organization wants to remove you from my care."

"What?! Why?!"

"Well, I wasn't supposed to show you your file, regardless of how much it helped you heal. They were going to take you away from me tonight."

"Well we should go to them so I can tell them I want to stay with you. I'll sign whatever release papers I need to, I want to stay with you."

Before Sam could respond, they were rear ended by the dark car and two more zoomed up. Agents poured out and yanked both dazed individuals out of the smashed car. Cuffing a bloodied Sam, they tossed Sam into the back seat of one of the cars like a ragdoll.


"You're safe now, did Sam hurt you in any way?"

"No, YOU hurt me. Sam has done nothing but good for me! I want to stay with Sam!"

"Shhhh shhhh it's ok, we'll get you cleaned up and with a better Caretaker."

Jay was screaming for Sam as they were shoved into another car. Tears rolled down Sam's cheeks as they knew they'd likely never see Jay again. They could only hope that Jay would recover from this trauma as well.

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