Baby pt 6 The haircut

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Cw: forced appearance change, cutting and drawing blood by scissors, noncon drugging by inhalant and eye drops, noncon bathing, intimate whumper

Whumpee woke up on Whumper 2's lap after crying themselves to sleep. Strangely comforting, Whumper 2 brushed their fingers through Whumpee's hair over and over.

Whumper 1 came in to check on the two and quietly said "If the Baby is ready, we can get that hair out of the way now."

Bolting up and immediately being restrained by Whumper 2's big arms around Whumpee's torso, they started to cry again. Through panicked gasps "plEASE don't cut m-my hair PLEASE!" they begged the abductors to change their minds.

Dodging kicks, Whumper 1 managed to grab Whumpee's legs and together, the two Parents brought their Baby to the kitchen and strapped them into the waiting high chair. Whumpee was blubbering at this point and gagging themselves.

To Whumper 2, Whumper 1 pulled them aside and said "I really hate to keep drugging them, but-" "no it's necessary at this point. Look at them." "*sigh* they're going to fight us regardless of how we do it, maybe we could try the inhalant?" "That would probably be gentler at this point."

Positioning themselves around Whumpee, Whumper 2 held their face as Whumper 1 placed a cloth over Whumpee's mouth and nose. "Deep breaths, honey, it's not that bad. This will help you feel better."

Unable to access air any other way, Whumpee was forced to breathe in and inhale the medicine, making them dizzy and unable to fight back. It was a very light dose, only meant to calm them unlike the amount used to abduct them. That had them knocked out for a good couple of hours.

Whumper 2 carefully dabbed at their baby's eyes as Whumper 1 picked up the scissors. "Tsk what a mess. What a good thing we got to our baby when we did. They really look awful."

Shearing away the life before, Whumper 1 quietly hummed a tune as Whumpee whimpered almost imperceptibly. Feeling the cold metal of scissors by their ear, they jumped and felt a heavy snip. Squealing like, well, a baby, they tried to bring their hand up to touch their cut ear.

"What the fuck Whumper 1??" Whumper 2 grabbed a paper towel and began to staunch the lightly trickling wound on their baby's right ear. "Let me see, let me see, sweetheart, I need to see it-" Whumper 1 laid down the scissors and was trying to get a better look at what they'd done. Peeling away the paper towel, they saw a nick on their precious baby's ear.

It had already clotted and Whumpee was fine, just startled. Whumper 2 shot a hand out to guard the scissors from Whumper 1 as they were reached for once more. Shooting looks at each other, Whumper 1 diffused the situation. "I'm putting them away and getting the clippers now. I'm not thinking bald like we usually start with, but maybe a medium buzz. That should leave plenty of length for us and so we don't further traumatize the baby." "Fine."

Feeling tremendous shame for hurting their baby, Whumper 1 finished the haircut and went directly upstairs to be upset in quiet.

Looking up with misty, mistrustful eyes, Whumpee allowed themselves to be picked up lest they be drugged again. They were carried upstairs to the bathroom once more for another bath. Upon seeing that was what was waiting for them, Whumpee tried to pull away and was promptly given drops again. Being put in the bath once more against their will, Whumpee sighed in discontent as they were washed with such gentleness and care.

"Y'know, if you didn't fight us, you could have a really nice life here." "Hhhungh-" "shhhh just listen. You need to cooperate with us, ok?" "Hhhhokay." "Gooood. Good. Just relax. I have something planned for us tonight."

Dressing the baby in only undergarments, Whumper 2 carried their baby to Whumper 1's room. "It's time you two had some good ol' skin to skin contact to strengthen your bond. The baby and I have a good understanding of each other. You two do not, especially after earlier. Here." Whumper 2 placed the vulnerable Whumpee onto Whumper 1's lap.

Whumper 1 undid their shirt and leaned themselves and the "baby" back into a reclined position on the bed. "I'll leave you two to it then." And with that, Whumper 2 left their comrade and their prisoner to cuddle.

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