Jay pt. 3

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Cw: caretaker turned whumper, manhandled

Once returned to the Caretaking Organization's local office, Jay was shuffled through processing in tears. They were hushed and shushed as nice people told them that Sam could never hurt them again, causing them to cry harder. Because of the fragility of the situation and frankly, it being the first of its kind under the current Branch Manager's tenure, they drove out on their day off to handle the case themselves as they had been advising Sam at the time not to do what they had done.

"Jay, tell me. Did you realize that Sam was hurting you?"

"Sam WASN'T hurting me!"

"I think you have been manipulated and brainwashed just like with Old Whumper. What do you think when I tell you that?" The Director was urgently trying to sweep this under the rug. Unfortunately, Jay had grown too strong mentally to be able to be shaped into the sheep that the Director wanted. This would need a different approach.

"I think you're lying to me. I think YOU'RE trying to manipulate m-"

The Director reached over the desk and grabbed Jay's shirt collar and pulled them in closer so they were inches apart. The Director could feel Jay shaking. They smiled.

"Jay, I had you rescued from Old Whumper AND Sam who was becoming a new whumper. I think you're failing to see the full picture but that's ok because that's how trauma works. Now. I will not hear anymore about how you are fighting against the workers who try so hard to love and care for you and I will not hear anymore about you trying to escape back to Sam or how Sam was saving you, Sam was right, or Sam will come rescue you. Sam will be in jail by now for endangering you. That's very serious. If I hear anymore about it, I will come deal with you myself." With that, they threw Jay back against the chair and Director Whumper left the room while trying to hide the fact that it felt good to do so.

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