Blankets and Basements 4

136 1 0

Cw: physical violence, captive prisoner, waking up drugged, attempting suicide

Whumpee was awake before they opened their eyes. They had a feeling of despair in their soul as they started to remember where they were, wrapped up under the blanket on the floor, in a crazed person's basement. They moved slowly and stretched before cracking an eye open to see if they were alone. They were. Thank goodness.

They sat up slowly so they didn't heave what little food was in their stomach at this point. They didn't feel good, at all. Maybe they should just play along to get some food? No. Whumpee was too proud to do that. Becoming more frantic, they were re-realizing the gravity of their situation. No way out. They'll be killed if they don't please this lonely weirdo who has an ample supply of drugs. No way out. No way out. No. Way. Out.

Walking down the stairs with another bottle of water and some apple slices, Whumper decided to see if their guest was hungry. If they'd decided to stall and get some peanut butter too like Planned, they wouldn't have had a guest at all anymore. Whumper opened the heavy door to see Whumpee with the chain tether wrapped around their neck, their face turning colors that turned Whumper's stomach.

Apple slices forgotten, Whumper ran over and unwrapped Whumpee and laid them down to check for breathing. "WHUMPEE CAN YOU HEAR ME?"

Coughing. Gasping. Sputtering. Whumpee's tearful eyes fluttered open as they choked out a pathetic "why?"

"W-why what, my dear?"

"Why. Ach. Would you save me?"

Whumper delicately gathered Whumpee into a hug.

"Because I love you."

Whumpee made uncomfortable eye contact with Whumper for a few seconds before Whumper pulled out a key.

"It might be a little early for this but I think the basement is too much for you right now. Why don't I show you your new home?"

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