Baby pt 5 Wakey wakey bottle and mind breakey

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Cw: noncon drugging by syringe, cursing

Whumpee opened their eyes slowly. They were warm, tucked in, comfortable, but not safe. A terrible feeling washed over them as memories of the past day came trickling back.

The muzzle. The bath. The eye drops. The bottle. The others before them. Whumpee was up in a flash, trying to vault themselves over the cage that kept them, frantically pulling at the lazily rotating mobile above them for leverage. As they gave up on trying to reach the mobile for added assistance, they heard a knock at the door. Whumpee dove for the corner of their enclosure for some kind of cover, of which there was none.

"Hiiiiiiiiiii bud, did you sleep ok?" Whumper 1 poked around the door and into the room carefully. They saw Whumpee was already wound up. "Whumper 2 is getting breakfast ready, are you hungry?"

Processing the words being said, Whumpee took the offense. "No! Who are you?! WHY am I here?! This is, is, is BULLSHIT! I'm an ADULT-" Whumpee's shouting was cut off by another syringe by Whumper 2 who snuck in and took Whumpee by surprise while they were yelling. Breakfast could wait, the Baby's needs came first.

"WH- HU-uh-uh uh um wh-why?" Whumpee slurred as they slid down the bars that held them.


Whumpee came to, strapped into the high chair again. The bottle was set in front of them for when they were ready as the two Whumpers enjoyed breakfast at the table nearby.

Tiredly rubbing their eyes, they saw that Whumper 2 slid over to quietly soothe them. "Hi buddy, you had quite the morning. Take your bottle for us and we'll give you some more quiet time, -kay?"

".....kay." Whumpee sighed and resigned, taking their bottle. This time, it was a cinnamon and vanilla flavor. Again, not bad. But Whumpee still had no idea what it really was that they were drinking. All they knew was that it was fulfilling and tasty, and if they took it without a fight, they wouldn't be forced to fake-breastfeed.

The Whumpers looked pleased with the compliance of their Baby.

After finishing and sitting for awhile, they were led by hand to a brightly painted playroom. It had a television in the wall, padded flooring, toys that were gently used, a large cushion on the floor, and a huge rocking bench.

"Here is your playroom. You are allowed to have play time during the day when you behave. Because you ate your breakfast like a good Baby, you may have play time right now. You can sleep on this cushion if you feel sleepy, there are blankets and pillows around if you need them. We can put movies on too! Ok! Have fun! We will check in on you later."

With that, a barred cage door slid shut, locking Whumpee in. Whumpee walked around the room taking inventory of what they had at their disposal. No windows. Damn. One door. This would not do. This. This wouldn't. It. Was too much. Wearily, Whumpee sat down on the cushion. It was adult-sized, and plenty big for such a small statured person like Whumpee. Silently, they cried.  Cameras watched them from every angle of the room and Whumpee didn't care. This was just too much.

Whumper 2 entered the room. "Heeeeey I see you're having a hard time. Let's sit and have a cuddle," they murmured as they picked up their limp and weeping Whumpee. Whumpee didn't have the fire to fight anymore.

Whumper 2 curled up the anguishing Whumpee next to them on the rocking bench and slowly rocked the whimpering Whumpee until they quieted. Uncomfortably comfortable, Whumpee laid with their head in Whumper 2's lap as Whumper 2 played with Whumpee's hair.

"We need to trim this. But we'll do that later."

Whumpee nodded, one last tear trickling down.

"That's enough now, take a rest."

Whumpee nodded.

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